For more information about this supplement see The Anime Companion Supplement main page. Additions are announced in the Anime Companion Supplement News page.
Hyphenated Japanese terms are listed as single words.
dozō (traditional storehouse) 土蔵 OLD FORM 土藏 (The Anime Companion 2 p.17)
Himejijō (Himeji Castle) 姫路城 OLD FORM 姬路城 (The Anime Companion 2 p.28)
hinomi (fire lookout towers) 火見 or ひのみ
Kyōto Tawaa (Kyōto Tower) 京都タワー
Masuya 枡屋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.56)
nagaya (row house) 長屋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.59)
shiro (castle) 城 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.122)
Teikoku Daigaku (Imperial Universities) 帝国大学 OLD FORM 帝國大學 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.134)
hokora (small wayside shrine) 祠
Hōryūji 法隆寺 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.47)
Ise Jingū (Ise Shrine) 伊勢神宮 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.51)
Izumo Taisha 出雲大社 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.52)
jiin (Buddhist temple) 寺院 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.53)
jinja (Shintō shrine) 神社 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.54)
kakekomidera (refuge temple) 駆込寺
Togakushi Jinja 戸隠神社 OLD FORM 戶隱神社 (The Anime Companion 2 p.101)
Yakushiji 薬師寺 OLD FORM 藥師寺 (The Anime Companion 2 p.114)
amakudari (descent from heaven) 天下り
dangō (collusive bidding, bid rigging) 談合
depāto (department store) デパート (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.23)
dagashiya (cheap sweet shop) 駄菓子屋
kapuseru hoteru (capsule hotel) カプセル ホテル
konbini (convenience store) コンビニ
meishi (business card) 名刺 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.82)
OL オーエル ("office lady" オフィス ・ レディー) (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.100)
ryokan (Japanese inn) 旅館 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.107)
sakaya (sake brewer and dealer) 酒屋
sarariman ("salaried man") サラリーマン (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.111)
sentō (public bath) 銭湯 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.115)
shōyo (bonus) 賞与 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.124)
- bentō-ya (bentō shop) 弁当屋
chūka ryōri-ya (Chinese restaurants) 中華料理屋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.14)
kaiten sushi (revolving sushi bar) 回転寿司
kissaten (coffeehouse) 喫茶店 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.70)
manga kissa (manga cafe) 漫画喫茶 or マンガ喫茶
ryōtei (traditional restaurants) 料亭
tōfu-ya (tōfu seller) 豆腐屋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.101)
yakiniku-ya (Korean BBQ restaurants) やきにくや or 焼き肉屋 or 焼肉屋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.114)
botoru kiipu (bottle Keep) ボトルキープ
bottakuriten (rip off club) ぼったくり店
Gōruden Gai (Golden Gai) ゴールデン街
hosutesu ("hostess") ホステス (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.47)
hosutesu ryō (hostess fees) ホステス料
hosuto kurabu (host club) ホストクラブ
izakaya (small taverns) いざかや or 居酒屋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.33)
nomi-ya 飲み屋 OLD FORM 飮み屋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.64)
sunakku (bar) スナック (The Anime Companion 2 p.93)
For general sexual terminology and specific sexual acts see: Terminology - Sexual
For occupations in the sex trade see: People - - Occupations, Titles & Ranks - Adult Entertainment
dachi waifu (Dutch wife) ダッチワイフ
enjo kōsai (compensated dating) 援助交際
honban (real performance, real thing) 本番
imori no kuroyaki (charred newt) 井守の黒焼
kane no kireme ga en no kireme (the end of the money is the end of the relationship) 金の切れ目が縁の切れ目
matto sābisu (mat service) マットサービス
mizushōbai (water trade) 水商売 or みずしょうばい
pinku bira ("pink leaflets") ピンクビラ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.104)
pinku eiga (pink movie, sex films) ピンク映画 (The Anime Companion 2 p.71)
shimei, (name a particular partner) 指名
sukebe isu (pervert chair) スケベ椅子
ageya (rendezvous teahouses) 揚屋
buruseara shopu (bloomer-sailor shop) ブルセラショプ
chikan densha (pervert train) 痴漢電車
fasshon herusu (fashion health) ファッションヘルス
fasshon massaji (fashion massage) ファッションマッサージ
imēji kurabu (image club) イメージクラブ
kagemajaya (kagema tea house) 陰間茶屋
kappuru kissa (couples cafe) カップル喫茶
kyaba kura (cabaret club) キャバクラ
nozokibeya (peeping room) 覗き部屋
nūdo gekijo (strip club) ヌード劇場
omiai pub (matchmaking pub) お見合パブ
pinku saron (pink salon) ピンクサロン
rabu hoteru (love hotel) ラブホテル (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.105)
sōpurando ("soapland") ソープランド (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.125)
terekura (telephone club) テレクラ
Bandai Bijuaru Kabushiki Gaisha (Bandai Visual Co. Ltd.) バンダイビジュアル株式会社
Lotte Co, Ltd ロッテ (The Anime Companion 2 p.54)
Makudonarudo (McDonald's) マクドナルド (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.79)
Mitsubishi 三菱 (The Anime Companion 2 p.57)
Nihon Kiin (Japan Go Association) 日本棋院
Nippon Denshin Denwa (NTT, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation) 日本電信電話 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.96)
Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai (NHK, Japan Broadcasting Corporation) 日本放送協会 OLD FORM 日本放送協會 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.96)
Seven-Eleven Japan Co. Ltd. セブン-イレブン・ジャパン
Yamakujira (mountain whale) 山鯨 or やまくじら
Yoshinoya 吉野家 (The Anime Companion 2 p.119)
furisode (long sleeved kimono) 振袖
kappōgi (cooking apron) かっぽう着 or 割烹着 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.62)
kimono 着物 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.68)
saifuku 祭服 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.107)
sailor fuku (sailor suit) セーラー服 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.108)
uchikake (woman's over garment) 打掛
yukata (lightweight kimono) 浴衣 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.149)
burūma (gym shorts worn by girls) ブルマ (buruma), burumā ブルマー or ブルーマー (burūmā) (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.15)
fundoshi (loincloth) 褌 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.30)
hakama (trousers) 袴 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.38)
haori (jacket) 羽織 OLD FORM 羽織 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.41)
happi (coat) 法被 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.41)
mino (rainwear) 蓑 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.84)
geta (wooden sandals) 下駄 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.34)
kanjiki (snowshoes) 橇 or かんじき (The Anime Companion 2 p.40)
tabi (split-toed sock) 足袋 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.129)
zōri (thonged sandals) 草履 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.151)
bōkū-zukin (anti-air raid hood) 防空頭巾
hachimaki (headband) 鉢巻 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.37)
hana-kanzashi (floral hairpin) 花簪 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.39)
hitaikakushi (triangle on forehead) 額隠し
kanzashi dama (hairpin bead) 簪玉
kushi (comb) 櫛 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.77)
sando-gasa (hat) 三度笠 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.111)
surgical masks worn in public (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.127)
tsumami kanzashi (flowery hair ornament) つまみ簪
tsunokakushi (headdress) 角隠し OLD FORM 角隱し (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.141)
obi (sash, belt) 帯 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.98)
inrō 印籠 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.49)
For criminal terminology see: - Criminal
dōshin (lower-grade samurai rank) 同心
hito-kiri (person cutting) 人切り or 人斬り
Keishichō (Tōkyō Metropolitan Police Department) 警視庁 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.65)
ken'etsu (censorship) 検閲 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.66)
kidōtai (riot police) 機動隊 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.68)
kirisute gomen (permission to kill) 切捨御免
kōban (police box) 交番 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.71)
kōnin todoke (Notice of Marriage) 婚姻届
koseki (household register) 戸籍
Pipo-kun (police mascot) ピーポくん
rikon todoke (Notification of a Divorce) 離婚届
San Oku En Jiken (300 million yen robbery) 三億円事件
sekisho tegata (travel pass) 関所手形
bōsōzoku (motorbike gang) 暴走族 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.14)
nozoki (peeping tom) 覗き (The Anime Companion 2 p.64)
pantī dorobō (panty thief) パンティー泥棒
yakuza (gangster) やくざ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.146)
yankī ("yankee", juvenile delinquent) ヤンキー (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.146)
See also: Winter - New Year
awa odori 阿波踊 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.8)
Bon odori 盆踊り (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.13)
bunkasai (cultural festival) 文化祭
ennichi (feast days) 縁日 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.28)
hanami (flower viewing) 花見 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.39)
hatsumōde 初詣 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.42)
hōzuki ichi (Chinese-lantern plant market) 酸奬市 (The Anime Companion 2 p.29)
joya no kane 除夜の鐘 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.55)
matsuri to nenchū gyōji (festivals and annual events) 祭と年中行事 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.81)
National Holidays (kokumin no shukujitsu) 国民の祝日 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p. 49)
Bon 盆 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.12)
bōnen-kai ("forget the year party") 忘年会
Gion Matsuri (Gion festival) 祇園祭 (The Anime Companion 2 p.23)
Gōruden Uīku (Golden Week) ゴ−ルデンウイーク
Hina Matsuri (Doll Festival) 雛祭 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.45)
Kodomo-no-hi (Children's Day) こどもの日 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.72)
Kurisumasu (Christmas) クリスマス (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.76)
Nebuta Matsuri (Nebuta Festival) ねぶた祭 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.92)
Sapporo Yuki Matsuri (Sapporo Snow Festival) 札幌雪まつり (The Anime Companion 2 p.79)
Sei Barentain no Shukujitsu (Saint Valentine's Day) 聖バレンタインの祝日 (or Sei Barentain De 聖バレンタインデー) (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.112)
Seijin No Hi (Coming-Of-Age Day) 成人の日 (The Anime Companion 2 p.80)
Setsubun 節分 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.116)
Shichi-go-san (7-5-3 Festival) 七五三 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.117)
Tanabata 七夕 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.133)
tori no ichi (bird fair) 酉の市 (The Anime Companion 2 p.106)
White Day ホワイトデー or ホワイトデイ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.145)
See also: Religion/Mythology/Belief - TextsCrane Wife (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.20)
Gazu hyakkiyagyō (Illustrated night procession of 100 demons) 画図百鬼夜行
Genji Monogatari (The Tale of Genji) 源氏物語
Heike Monogatari 平家物語 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.44)
Kasshi-yawa ("Tales Begun on the Night of the Rat") 甲子夜話
Man'yōshū 万葉集 OLD FORM 萬葉集 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.80)
Märchen (magical folk tale) メルヘン or メルヒェン (The Anime Companion 2 p.54)
Saiyūki (The Journey To The West) 西遊記 (The Anime Companion 2 p.75)
Suikoden (Outlaws Of The Marsh) 水滸伝 FORMAL 水滸傳 (The Anime Companion 2 p.92)
Berusaiyu no Bara (The Rose of Versailles) ベルサイユのばら (The Anime Companion 2 p.9)
dōjinshi (fanzine) 同人誌 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.23)
Heibon Panchi (Heibon Punch) 平凡パンチ
kashihonya (book rental shops) 貸し本屋
kisha kurabu (press clubs) 記者クラブ
Komiketto (Comiket) コミケット (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.73)
kyōfu manga (terror manga) 恐怖漫画
mahō shōjo (magical girl) 魔法少女
manga (Japanese comic book) 漫画 or まんが or マンガ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.80)
manga zasshi (manga magazines) 漫画雑誌
raito noberu (light novel) ライトノベル
redikomi (ladies' comics) レディコミ
sensō bungaku (war literature) 戦争文学 (The Anime Companion 2 p.82)
shinbun (newspaper) 新聞 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.119)
suiri manga (detection manga) 推理漫画
bijinga (beauty picture) 美人画 OLD FORM: 美人畫
enkai (party) 宴会 OLD FORM 宴會 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.27)
eroguro nansensu (erotic-grotesque nonsense) エログロナンセンス
firecrackers in the sky (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.29)
gōkon (mixed drinking session) 合コン
hanabi (fireworks) 花火 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.39)
Hon'imbō (Grand Master of Go) 本因坊
hyakumonogatari (100 stories) 百物語
Hyottoko (mask of funny faced man) ひょっとこ
kaijū (giant monster) 怪獣 OLD FORM 怪獸 (The Anime Companion 2 p.37)
karaoke カラオケ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.62)
minisuka porisu (miniskirt police) ミニスカポリス
Okame おかめ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.99)
origami 折紙 (The Anime Companion 2 p.69)
rajio taisō (radio calisthenics) ラジオ体操 OLD FORM ラヂオ體操 (The Anime Companion 2 p.72)
senkō-hanabi (sparkler) 線香花火 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.114)
shunga (erotic art) 春画 OLD FORM 春畫 (The Anime Companion 2 p.89)
Tōei Uzumasa Eigamura (Toei Uzumasa cinema village) 東映太秦映画村
tokusatsu (special effects) 特撮
tsuribori (fishing ponds) 釣堀 or 釣り堀
ukiyo-e (Pictures of the Floating World) 浮世絵
yaoi やおい (The Anime Companion 2 p.116)
bideo gēmu (video games) ビデオゲーム
go 碁 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.36)
hanafuda 花札 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.39)
jan-ken (rock, paper, scissors) じゃんけん or じゃん拳 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.52)
kai-awase (shell-matching game) 貝合せ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.58)
kimodameshi (soul examination, test of nerve) 肝試し
kingyo-sukui (goldfish dipping) 金魚すくい (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.68)
kakurenbo (hide and seek) かくれんぼ
mājan (mah-jongg) 麻雀 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.78)
ohajiki おはじき or 御弾き OLD FORM 御彈き (The Anime Companion 2 p.66)
onigokko (tag) 鬼ごっこ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.101)
osero ("Othello") オセロ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.103)
pachinko パチンコ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.104)
Purinto kurabu (Print Club) プリント倶楽部
saikoro [or sai] (dice) 骰子 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.108)
shiritori (word game) しりとり (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.122)
shōgi (Japanese "chess") 将棋 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.123)
suika-wari (watermelon game) スイカ割り (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.126)
UFO Catcher (crane game) UFOキャッチャー
uta karuta (poem card) 歌ガルタ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.144)
aidoru ("idol" singer) アイドル (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.3)
chanbara (sword fight films) ちゃんばら
chindonya (music maker) ちんどん屋 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.19)
enka (popular song style) 演歌 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.27)
biwa 琵琶 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.11)
charumera (rāmen vendor's horn) チャルメラ (The Anime Companion 2 p.12)
gekkin (moon lute) 月琴 (The Anime Companion 2 p.22)
koto 琴 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.75)
mokugyo 木魚 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.87)
shakuhachi (bamboo flute) 尺八 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.116)
shamisen 三味線 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.116)
taiko (large drum) 太鼓 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.130)
See also: WEAPONRY/WAR - MARTIAL ARTShanetsuki 羽根突き OLD FORM 羽根突き (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.40)
kemari (Japanese football) 蹴鞠 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.66)
kōkō yakyū (high school baseball) 高校野球 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.73)
kyūdō (Japanese archery) 弓道 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.77)
sukī (skiing) スキー (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.126)
sumō 相撲 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.127)
tenisu (tennis) テニス (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.135)
tsuna (rope) 綱 (The Anime Companion 2 p.109)
biwa hōshi ("lute priest") 琵琶法師 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.11)
bugaku 舞楽 OLD FORM 舞樂 (The Anime Companion 2 p.10)
bunraku 文楽 OLD FORM 文樂 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.15)
chisuji no ito (spider web) 千筋の糸
danchizuma (housing complex wife) 団地妻
dojō sukui 泥鰌掬い or 泥鰌掬 (The Anime Companion 2 p.16)
geisha 芸者 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.33)
goze (blind female singers) 瞽女
kabuki 歌舞伎 (The Anime Companion 2 p.35)
kami-shibai (paper shows) 紙芝居 (The Anime Companion 2 p.39)
maiko (apprentice geisha) 舞子 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.78)
kosupure (costume play) コスプレ (The Anime Companion 2 p.50)
kurogo (stagehand) 黒子 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.76)
Nakamura-za (Nakamura Theater) 中村座
Nō 能 (The Anime Companion 2 p.63)
onnagata (kabuki female impersonator) 女方or 女形
pinku eiga (pink movie, sex films) ピンク映画 (The Anime Companion 2 p.71)
saru mawashi (monkey show) 猿回し (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.111)
Takarazuka Kagekidan (Takarazuka Opera Company) 宝塚歌劇団 OLD FORM 宝塚歌劇團 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.131)
terebi (television) テレビ (The Anime Companion 2 p.99)
terebi dorama (TV drama) テレビドラマ
uma-yaku 馬役 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.143)
yagura (stage) 櫓 or 矢倉 or やぐら (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.145)
zōmen (white square mask) 蔵面 or 造面 or 雑面 OLD FORM 藏面 or 雜面 (The Anime Companion 2 p.123)
Aoto-zōshi hana no nishiki 青砥稿花紅彩画
Ashiya Dōman Ōuchi Kagami (Ashiya Dōman: A Mirror of the Imperial Court) 蘆屋道満大内鑑
Kanadehon Chūshingura (Treasury of Loyal Retainers) 仮名手本忠臣蔵
Kohaku Uta Gassen (Red and White Song Contest) 紅白歌合戦
Otoko wa Tsurai Yo (It's Tough Being a Man, aka: The Tora-san movies) 男はつらいよ
Sanmon Gosan No Kiri 楼門五三桐 or 楼門五山桐 OLD FORM 樓門五三桐 (The Anime Companion 2 p.78)
San-nen B-gumi Kinpachi Sensei 3年B組金八先生
Sukeroku Yukari no Edo Zakura (Sukeroku Flower of Edo) 助六由縁江戸桜
Taiga dorama (Taiga Drama) 大河ドラマ
Tōkaidō Yotsuya Kaidan (Ghost Story of Tōkaidō Yotsuya) 東海道四谷怪談
akabeko (bobbing ox toy) 赤べこ (The Anime Companion 2 p.4)
hagoita (paddle) 羽子板 OLD FORM 羽子板 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.38)
hitogata (human shaped dolls) 人形
kendama (cup and ball toy) 拳玉 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.66)
koma (spinning top) 独楽 OLD FORM 獨樂 (The Anime Companion 2 p.48)
takeuma (bamboo horse or stilts) 竹馬 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.131)
tako-age (kite flying) 凧揚げ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.132)
kara-age (deep frying) からあげ or 空揚げ
mochi-tsuki (mochi pounding) 餅搗
tenpura てんぷら or 天婦羅 or 天麩羅 (The Anime Companion 2 p.99)
abura-age (fried tōfu sliced thin) あぶらあげ or 油揚げ
dashi (stock) だし or 出し (The Anime Companion 2 p.15)
furikake (rice topping) 振り掛け or ふりかけ
konnyaku (devil's tongue root) こんにゃく or 蒟蒻 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.74)
kōrēgūsu (Korean pepper) 高麗胡椒 or コーレーグース
naruto なると or 鳴門 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.91)
okara (tōfu lees) おから or 雪花菜 OLD FORM 御殼 (The Anime Companion 2 p.67)
panko (bread crumbs) パンこ or パン粉 (The Anime Companion 2 p.70)
shōyu (soy sauce) しょうゆ or 醤油 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.124)
tōfu とうふ or 豆腐 (The Anime Companion 2 p.100)
amanattō (sweetened beans) 甘納豆
anpan あんパン or あんぱん or 餡麪包 (The Anime Companion 2 p.5)
anman (sweet filled bun) あんまん or 餡まん
anmitsu あんみつ or 餡蜜 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.6)
chitoseame (1000 year candy) 千歳飴
Choco Flake チョコフレーク (The Anime Companion 2 p.13)
Green Gum グリーンガム (The Anime Companion 2 p.24)
kaminari-okoshi (thunder brittle) 雷おこし
kashiwa mochi かしわもち or 柏餅 OLD FORM 柏餠 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.63)
konpeitō 金平糖 (The Anime Companion 2 p.50)
kuzu mochi (arrowroot cake) くずもち or 葛餅 OLD FORM 葛餠 (The Anime Companion 2 p.53)
kuroame (hard black sugar candy) 黒飴
manjū (bun, dumpling) 饅頭 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.80)
monaka (stuffed wafer cake) 最中
ohagi (equinox bean cake) 御萩 (The Anime Companion 2 p.66)
Pocky ポッキー (The Anime Companion 2 p.71)
sakura mochi 桜餅 OLD FORM 櫻餠 (The Anime Companion 2 p.76)
shiruko しるこ or 汁粉 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.122)
tai-yaki たいやき or 鯛焼き (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.130)
tamago dōfu (egg tōfu) たまごどうふ or 卵豆腐
wagashi (traditional confections) 和菓子
yatsuhashi 八ツ橋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.117)
yōkan ようかん or 羊羹 (The Anime Companion 2 p.117)
miso (soy bean paste) 味噌 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.84)
nattō 納豆 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.92)
tsukemono (pickle) つけもの or 漬物 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.140)
umeboshi (salted Japanese apricot) うめぼし or 梅干し or 梅干 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.143)
botan-nabe (boar meat hotpot) 牡丹鍋 or ぼたん鍋
gyūdon (beef bowl) ぎゅうどん or 牛丼 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.37)
gyūnabe (beef hot pot) 牛鍋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.24)
hirekatsu (fried pork filet) ヒレカツ (The Anime Companion 2 p.28)
shabu-shabu しゃぶしゃぶ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.116)
sashimi (sliced raw meat) (The Anime Companion 2 p.79)
tamago (egg) 卵 or たまご (The Anime Companion 2 p.97)
tonkatsu (pork cutlet) とんカツ or 豚カツ (The Anime Companion 2 p.106)
tsukune (meatballs) つくね (The Anime Companion 2 p.109)
yakiniku (grilled meat) やきにく or 焼き肉
yakitori やきとり or 焼き鳥 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.146)
harusame (spring rain noodles) はるさめ or 春雨
hiyamugi (ひやむぎ or 冷麦), sōmen (そうめん or 素麺) (two kinds of noodles) (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.46)
men rui (noodles) めんるい or 麺類 (The Anime Companion 2 p.56)
miso-rāmen みそラーメン or 味噌ラーメン (The Anime Companion 2 p.57)
nabeyaki-udon 鍋焼きうどん OLD FORM 鍋燒うどん (The Anime Companion 2 p.59)
noodle slurping (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.96)
rāmen (noodles) ラ−メン (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.105)
soba そば or 蕎麦 (The Anime Companion 2 p.90)
tenpura soba (tenpura noodles) 天ぷらそば OR 天麩羅蕎麦 OLD FORM 天麩羅蕎麥 (The Anime Companion 2 p.99)
tokoroten (gelidium jelly) ところ天 or 心太
toshikoshi soba (new year's soba) 年越しそば (The Anime Companion 2 p.106)
udon うどん or 饂飩 (The Anime Companion 2 p.110)
yakisoba (fried noodles) 焼そば (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.145)
botan-nabe (boar meat hotpot) 牡丹鍋 or ぼたん鍋
chirinabe (hot pot dish) ちりなべ or ちり鍋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.12)
nabemono (one pot meals) なべもの or 鍋物 (The Anime Companion 2 p.59)
oden おでん (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.98)
sukiyaki 鋤焼き (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.126)
chazuke 茶漬け (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.18)
gohan (cooked rice) ごはん or 御飯 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.36)
gyūdon (beef bowl) ぎゅうどん or 牛丼 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.37)
kagami-mochi (New Year rice cake ornament) 鏡餅
kama meshi かまめし or 釜飯 (The Anime Companion 2 p.38)
kaminari-okoshi (thunder brittle) 雷おこし
karē raisu (curry rice) カレーライス (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.62)
katsudon (pork cutlet donburi) カツどん or カツ丼 (The Anime Companion 2 p.42)
kayu (rice porridge) かゆ or 粥 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.65)
mochi (rice cake) 餅 OLD FORM 餠 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.87)
nigirimeshi (rice ball) 握り飯 OLD FORM 握り飯 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.93)
omuraisu (omelet rice) オムライス (The Anime Companion 2 p.68)
sekihan (rice with red beans) せきはん OLD FORM 赤飯 (The Anime Companion 2 p.81)
sushi (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.128)
tendon (tenpura and rice) てんどん or 天丼 (The Anime Companion 2 p.99)
unagi donburi 鰻丼 or うなぎどんぶり (The Anime Companion 2 p.110)
yakimeshi (fried rice) やきめし or 焼き飯 (The Anime Companion 2 p.114)
aji (saurel, horse mackerel) 鰺
akagai あかがい or 赤貝 (The Anime Companion 2 p.4)
amadai あまだい or 甘鯛 (The Anime Companion 2 p.5)
ankō (angler fish) あんこう or 鮟鱇 (The Anime Companion 2 p.5)
chikuwa (fish sausage) ちくわ or 竹輪 (The Anime Companion 2 p.12)
fugu (puffer fish)ふぐ or 河豚 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.29)
fugu-chiri ふぐチリ (The Anime Companion 2 p.21)
hanpen (fish paste cake) はんぺん or 半片 or 半平 (The Anime Companion 2 p.26)
hatahata (sandfish) はたはた or 鰰 (The Anime Companion 2 p.26)
haze (goby) はぜ or 沙魚 or 鯊 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.43)
ika (squid and cuttlefish) いか or 烏賊 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.48)
ikizukuri (live sashimi) いきづくり or 生き作り or 活き造り (also called ikezukuri いけづくり or 生け作り or 活け作り
ikura (Salmon roe) イクラ (The Anime Companion 2 p.31)
kabayaki (charcoal broiled fish) かばやき or 蒲焼
katsuobushi (dried bonito) かつおぶし or 鰹節 (The Anime Companion 2 p.43)
kazunoko (herring roe) 数の子 or 鯑
kezuribushi (shaved dried bonito) けずりぶし or 削り節 (The Anime Companion 2 p.45)
niboshi (small dried fish) 煮干 or にぼし
ōtoro (very fatty tuna meat) 大トロ
sanma さんま or 秋刀魚 (The Anime Companion 2 p.78)
sashimi (sliced raw meat) さしみ or 刺身 (The Anime Companion 2 p.79)
sazae (turbo or top-shell) 栄螺 or 蓑座絵
sazae no tsuboyaki (sazae cooked in the shell) さざえの壷焼き
suppon (snapping turtle) すっぽん or 鼈 (The Anime Companion 2 p.93)
sushi 鮨 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.128)
tai (sea bream) たい or 鯛 (The Anime Companion 2 p.94)
tako (octopus) たこ or 蛸 or 章魚 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.131)
unagi (eel) うなぎ or 鰻 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.144)
konbu (kelp) こんぶ or 昆布 (The Anime Companion 2 p.48)
nori (seaweed, laver) 海苔 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.97)
wakame わかめ or 若布 or 和布 (The Anime Companion 2 p.112)
hisago (gourd) 瓠 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.45)
kaki (persimmon) 柿 (The Anime Companion 2 p.37)
kyūri (cucumber) きゅうり or 胡瓜 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.78)
mikan みかん or 蜜柑 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.82)
nasu (eggplant) 茄子 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.91)
sanshō (Szechwan pepper) さんしょう or 山椒 (The Anime Companion 2 p.78)
suika (watermelon) すいか or 西瓜 (The Anime Companion 2 p.92)
ume うめ or 梅 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.143)
zakuro (pomegranate) 石榴 or 柘榴 (The Anime Companion 2 p.121)
hakusai (Chinese cabbage) はくさい or 白菜
karashi (mustard) からし or 芥子 (The Anime Companion 2 p.41)
kusasotetsu (ostrich fern) くさそてつ or 草蘇鉄 (The Anime Companion 2 p.52)
nozawana (turnip greens) のざわな or 野沢菜
shiso (beefsteak plant) しそ or 紫蘇
takenoko (bamboo shoot) たけのこ or 竹の子 or 筍 (The Anime Companion 2 p.96)
warabi (bracken) わらび or 蕨 (The Anime Companion 2 p.113)
daikon (radish) だいこん or 大根 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.21)
gobō ごぼう or 牛蒡 (The Anime Companion 2 p.23)
konnyaku (devil's tongue root) こんにゃく or 蒟蒻 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.74)
negi (spring onion) ねぎ or 葱 (The Anime Companion 2 p.61)
ninjin (carrot) にんじん or 人参 OLD FORM 人參 (The Anime Companion 2 p.63)
renkon (lotus root) 蓮根 (The Anime Companion 2 p.73)
satsumaimo (sweet potato) さつまいも (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.111)
wasabi わさび or 山葵 (The Anime Companion 2 p.113)
yamanoimo (yam) やまのいも or 山の芋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.115)
azuki (a small red bean) あずき or 小豆
edamame えだまめ or 枝豆 (The Anime Companion 2 p.17)
kuromame (black soybeans) くろまめ or 黒豆
tōmorokoshi (corn on the cob) 玉蜀黍 or とうもろこし (The Anime Companion 2 p.105)
shiitake しいたけ or 椎茸 (The Anime Companion 2 p.83)
kanten 寒天 or かんてん (The Anime Companion 2 p.41)
kinako (soybean flour) きなこ or 黄粉
kinpira-gobō きんぴらごぼう or 金平牛蒡 (The Anime Companion 2 p.46)
shichimi tōgarashi (seven-spice mix) しちみとうがらし or 七味唐辛子 (The Anime Companion 2 p.83)
sansai (mountain vegetables) 山菜 (The Anime Companion 2 p.78)
shōjin ryōri (vegetarian cooking) しょうじんりょうり or 精進料理 (The Anime Companion 2 p.87)
chanpon チャンポン (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.18)
chōshoku (breakfast) ちょうしょくor 朝食 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.20)
dango (dumpling) だんご or 団子 OLD FORM 團子 (The Anime Companion 2 p.15)
demaé (delivery of prepared food) 出前 (The Anime Companion 2 p.16)
gyōza (potsticker) ギョーザ or 餃子 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.37)
kakigōri-ki (shaved ice) [kakigōri かき氷](The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.59)
karē (curry) カレー (The Anime Companion 2 p.41)
kibidango きびだんご or 黍団子 OLD FORM 黍團子 (The Anime Companion 2 p.45)
korokke (croquette) コロッケ (The Anime Companion 2 p.50)
kusa-dango (green dango) くさだんご or 草だんご
kushi-dango (skewered dango) 串団子 OLD FORM 串團子 (The Anime Companion 2 p.52)
mismatched foods [kuiawase 食い合わせ] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.84)
misoshiru (miso soup) みそしる or 味噌汁 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.85)
okonomiyaki おこのみやき or 御好み焼き (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.100)
okosama-ranchi (child’s plate) おこさまランチ or お子様ランチ (The Anime Companion 2 p.68)
osechi-ryōri (New Year's food) お節料理 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.102)
senbei (rice cracker) せんべい or 煎餅 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.113)
shūmai (dim sum) シューマイ or シウマイ or 焼売 OLD FORM 燒賣 (The Anime Companion 2 p.89)
tachigui (standing eating) 立食い or 立ち食い
takoyaki 蛸焼き OR たこ焼き(The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.132)
teishoku (set meal) ていしょく or 定食 (The Anime Companion 2 p.98)
yatai (outdoor stall) 屋台 OLD FORM 屋臺 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.147)
zōni 雑煮 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.150)
Boss Coffee ボス コーヒー (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.14)
UCC Coffee UCC コーヒー (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.142)
bīru (beer) ビール (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.10)
mamushi-zake (snake in drink) まむし酒
sake 酒 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.109)
shōchū (hard liquor) しょうちゅう or 焼酎 OLD FORM 燒酎 (The Anime Companion 2 p.86)
tamago-zake (egg yolk in sake) 卵酒 (The Anime Companion 2 p.97)
toso 屠蘇 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.139)
umeshu (plum "wine") うめしゅ or 梅酒 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.143)
cha (tea) 茶 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.16)
cha-no-yu (tea ceremony) 茶の湯 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.17)
mugicha (barley tea) 麦茶 (The Anime Companion 2 p.58)
Calpis カルピス (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.16)
drinks, pouring for another (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.25)
eiyō drinks (nutritional supplement drinks) 栄養ドリンク (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.26)
IN Shirīzu IN-シリーズ (The Anime Companion 2 p.31)
konbucha (konbu tea aka seaweed tea) 昆布茶
Pocari Sweat ポカリスエット (The Anime Companion 2 p.71)
Ramune ラムネ (The Anime Companion 2 p.72)
aka to shiro (red and white) あかとしろ or 赤と白 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.4)
Akutagawa Shō 芥川賞 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.5)
atena (address) 宛名 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.8)
banzai 万歳 OLD FORM 萬歳 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.9)
en (yen) 円 OLD FORM 圓 (The Anime Companion 2 p.20)
four things to fear in life (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.29)
gairaigo (loanword) 外来語 OLD FORM 外來語 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.33)
giri-choko (obligatory chocolate) 義理チョコ
giri to ninjō (obligations and feelings) 義理と人情
hakamairi (gravesite visit) 墓参り (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.38)
ikebana (flower arranging) 生け花 (The Anime Companion 2 p.30)
iroha いろは or 伊呂波 (The Anime Companion 2 p.32)
kana (syllabary) 仮名 OLD FORM 假名 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.60)
kanji (Chinese character) 漢字 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.61)
kanji (organizer) 幹事 (The Anime Companion 2 p.40)
kasō (cremation) 火葬 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.63)
kasō (geomancy) 家相 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.64)
ki (spirit, life force) 気 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.67)
ki-ai (shout) 気合 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.68)
kitamakura (pillow to the North) 北枕
koku (volume measurement) 石 (The Anime Companion 2 p.47)
Kokumin Eiyo Shō (People's Honor Award) 国民栄誉賞
kon'in (marriage) 婚姻 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.74)
machiai shitsu (waiting room) 待合室
maru 丸 (The Anime Companion 2 p.54)
ojigi (bow) おじぎ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.98)
otaku Depending on context: 御宅 or お宅 or おたく or オタク (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.103)
red triangle (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.106)
shinjū (double or group suicide) 心中 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.119)
shochū-mimai-jō (summertime greeting letter) 暑中見舞状
virgin road バージンロード or ヴァージン・ロード (The Anime Companion 2 p.111)
Yamato 大和 (The Anime Companion 2 p.116)
akushu suru (shaking hands) 握手する (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.5)
dogs and pregnant women (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.23)
gama no abura (toad oil) 蝦蟇の油 (The Anime Companion 2 p.22)
Gestures [sidebar] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p. 148)
Hair of a Different Color [sidebar] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p. 64)
hara (stomach, belly) 腹 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.41)
hari (acupuncture) 鍼 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.41)
he (fart) 屁 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.43)
imori no kuroyaki (charred newt) 井守の黒焼
irezumi (tattoo) 入墨 or 文身 or 刺青 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.50)
kekkaku (tuberculosis) 結核 (The Anime Companion 2 p.44)
ketsueki-gata (blood type) 血液型 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.67)
kisu (kiss) キス (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.71)
kuroyaki (charred plants & animals) 黒焼
kushami (sneeze) くしゃみ or 嚔 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.76)
kyū (moxibustion) 灸 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.77)
ohaguro (blackening teeth) 御歯黒
tachishōben (peeing in the street) 立ち小便 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.129)
zōki ishioku (organ transplant) 臓器移植 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.150)
bunkasai (cultural festival) 文化祭
homurūmu (homeroom) ホームルーム (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.47)
juku (private tutoring schools) 塾
kyōiku mama (education mama) 教育ママ
shiken jigoku (examination hell) 試験地獄 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.118)
shūgaku ryokō (school trip) 修学旅行 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.124)
shūgakuzen kyōiku (preschool education) 就学前教育 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.124)
students cleaning school (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.125)
water holding as punishment (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.145)
yobikō (cram school) 予備校 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.147)
chalk marks and illegally parked cars (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.17)
Expressways of Japan [sidebar] (The Anime Companion 2 p.51)
headlights off (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.43)
ichirizuka (milestone mound) 一里塚
kōsoku dōro (expressway) 高速道路 (The Anime Companion 2 p.50)
Nakasendō 中山道 or 中仙道 (The Anime Companion 2 p.60)
nyūjōken (platform ticket) 入場券
shukuba machi (post station town) 宿場町 (The Anime Companion 2 p.89)
Tōkaidō 東海道 OLD FORM in book is incorrect, I am unable to display it here. (The Anime Companion 2 p.101)
tsūkin (commuting) 通勤 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.140)
Yamanote Sen (Yamanote Line) 山手線 (The Anime Companion 2 p.115)
commuter train (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.20)
decotora (decorated truck) デコトラ
Jē Āru (JR) ジェーアール (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.53)
jinrikisha (rickshaw) 人力車 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.54)
kago (sedan chair) 駕籠 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.58)
koshi (palanquin) 輿 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.74)
renraku-sen (ferryboat) 連絡船 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.106)
shinkansen (new trunk line) 新幹線 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.120)
takushi (taxi) タクシー (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.133)
taraibune (tub boat) 盥舟 or 盥船 (The Anime Companion 2 p.98)
tetsudō (railways) 鉄道 OLD FORM 鐵道 (The Anime Companion 2 p.100)
Aizu Bonchi (Aizu Basin) 会津盆地 OLD FORM 會津盆地 (The Anime Companion 2 p.3)
Aizu han 会津藩 OLD FORM 會津藩 (The Anime Companion 2 p.4)
Biwako (Lake Biwa) 琵琶湖 (The Anime Companion 2 p.10)
Chōshū han 長州藩 (The Anime Companion 2 p.13)
Chūbu Chihō (Chūbu region) 中部地方
Fuji Goko (Fuji Five Lakes) 富士五湖 (The Anime Companion 2 p.21)
han (daimyō domain) 藩 (The Anime Companion 2 p.26)
Izumo 出雲 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.52)
Kantō Chihō (Kantō region) 関東地方 OLD FORM 關東地方 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.61)
Mito han 水戸藩 OLD FORM 水戶藩 (The Anime Companion 2 p.57)
Nihonkai (Sea of Japan) 日本海 (The Anime Companion 2 p.63)
Satsuma han 薩摩藩 (The Anime Companion 2 p.80)
Seto Naikai (Seto Inland Sea) 瀬戸内海 OLD FORM ??内海 (The Anime Companion 2 p.82)
Suwako (Lake Suwa) 諏訪湖 (The Anime Companion 2 p.94)
Tōkai chihō (Tōkai Region) 東海地方 (The Anime Companion 2 p.101)
Tosa han 土佐藩 (The Anime Companion 2 p.106)
See also: Tōkyō/Edo - Geographical Feature/Location - Island AdministrationsAwajishima 淡路島 (The Anime Companion 2 p.7)
Enoshima 江の島 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.28)
Hokkaidō 北海道 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.46):
Honshū 本州 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.47)
Kyūshū 九州 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.78)
Ryūkyū Shotō (Ryūkyū Islands) 琉球諸島
Shikoku 四国 OLD FORM 四國 (The Anime Companion 2 p.84)
Cities and Prefectures at times may have the same name.ken (prefecture) 県 OLD FORM 縣 (The Anime Companion 2 p.44)
Prefectures of Japan [map] (The Anime Companion 2 p.124)
Aichi Ken 愛知県 OLD FORM 愛知縣 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.3):
NETAICHI (official site)Akita Ken 秋田県:
Information page in English (official site)Aomori Ken 青森県:
Kassai Aomori Homepage (official site)Chiba Ken 千葉県 OLD FORM 千葉縣 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.18):
Chiba Pref (official site)Ehime Ken:
Ehime Prefecture (official site)Fukui Ken:
Fukui Homepage (official site)Fukuoka Ken:
Fukuoka (official site)Fukushima Ken 福島県 (The Anime Companion 2 p.22):
Fukushima Prefecture Home Page (official site)Gifu Ken 岐阜県 OLD FORM 岐阜縣 (The Anime Companion 2 p.23):
GIFU Prefecture (official site)Gunma Ken 群馬県 OLD FORM 群馬縣 (The Anime Companion 2 p.24):
Welcome to Gunma (official site)Hiroshima Ken:
Hiroshima ken (official site)Hokkaidō 北海道 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.46):
Hokkaido (official site)Hyōgo Ken 兵庫県 OLD FORM 兵庫縣 (The Anime Companion 2 p.29):
Hyogo Prefecture (official site)Ibaraki Ken 茨城県 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.48):
Welcome to IBARAKI Prefecture (official site)Ishikawa Ken:
Ishikawa Prefectural Government (official site)Iwate Ken 岩手県 OLD FORM 岩手縣 (The Anime Companion 2 p.33):
Welcome to Iwate prefecture's Home Page! (official site)Kagawa Ken:
Profile of Kagawa Prefecture (official site)Kagoshima Ken:
Kagoshimaken (official site)Kanagawa Ken 神奈川県 OLD FORM 神奈川縣 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.60):
Kanagawa Prefecture (official site)Kōchi Ken 高知県 OLD FORM 高知縣 (The Anime Companion 2 p.47):
Kochi Prefecture (official site)Kumamoto Ken:
Kumamoto Prefecture Web Site (official site)Kyōto-fu:
Kyōto Prefecture (official site)Mie ken 三重県 OLD FORM 三重縣 (The Anime Companion 2 p.56):
Mie Prefecture (official site)Miyagi Ken 宮城県 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.86):
Well Come to Miyagi's Homepage (official site)Miyazaki Ken:
Miyazaki Prefecture (official site)Nagano Ken:
Nagano Prefecture (official site)Nagasaki Ken:
Nagasaki Prefecture Home Page (official site)Nara Ken:
Nara Prefecture (official site)Niigata Ken:
Welcome to Niigata Prefecture (official site)Ōita Ken:
Welcome to Oita Prefecture (official site)Okayama ken 岡山県 OLD FORM 岡山縣 (The Anime Companion 2 p.67):
Peach Top Page (Okayama Prefectural Government) (official site)Okinawa Ken 沖縄県 OLD FORM 沖繩縣 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.99):
Okinawa Prefecture's Home Page (official site)Ōsaka-fu:
Ōsaka Prefectural Government (official site)Saga Ken:
Sagaken (official site)Saitama Ken:
Saitama Prefecture Homepage (official site)Shiga Ken:
Welcome to Shiga (official site)Shimane Ken 島根県 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.118):
Shimane Prefecture (official site)Shizuoka ken 静岡県 OLD FORM 靜岡縣 (The Anime Companion 2 p.86):
Shizuoka Prefecture (official site)Tochigi ken 栃木県 OLD FORM 栃木縣 (The Anime Companion 2 p.100):
Tochigi Prefecture (official site)Tokushima Ken:
Tokushima Home Page (official site)Tōkyō[-to] 東京 (The Anime Companion 2 p.104)
Welcome to Tokyo (official government site, English section.)Tottori Ken:
About Tottori Prefecture (official site)Tōyama Ken:
Welcome to Tōyama Japan (official site)Wakayama Ken:
Wakayama Prefecture Homepage (official site)Yamagata Ken:
Yutorito Yamagata Home Page (official site)Yamaguchi ken 山口県 OLD FORM 山口縣 (The Anime Companion 2 p.115):
Yamaguchi Ken (official site)Yamanashi Ken:
Yamanashi Pref (official site)
Arashiyama 嵐山 (The Anime Companion 2 p.6)
Asamayama 浅間山 OLD FORM 淺間山 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.7)
Aso-san (Mt. Aso) 阿蘇山 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.7)
Fuji-san (Mt. Fuji) 富士山 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.30)
Hida Sanmyaku 飛騨山脈 OLD FORM 飛驒山脈(The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.45)
Hieizan (Mount Hiei) 比叡山 (The Anime Companion 2 p.28)
Kōya-san (Mt. Kōya) 高野山 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.75)
Kuramayama (Mt. Kurama) 鞍馬山 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.76)
Akashi 明石 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.4)
Arai-chō 新居町 (The Anime Companion 2 p.6)
Atami 熱海 [市] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.7)
Chigasaki City 茅ヶ崎 [市] (The Anime Companion 2 p.12)
Chōshi 銚子 [市] (The Anime Companion 2 p.13)
Hagi 萩 [市] (The Anime Companion 2 p.25)
Hakodate 函館 [市] (The Anime Companion 2 p.25)
Hakone 箱根 [町] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.38)
Hayama 葉山 [町] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.42)
Hiroshima 広島 [市] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.45)
Iruma 入間 [市] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.50)
Ise 伊勢 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.51)
Kamakura 鎌倉 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.59)
Kanaya 金谷 (The Anime Companion 2 p.40)
Kōbe 神戸 [市] (The Anime Companion 2 p.47)
Maebashi 前橋 [市] (The Anime Companion 2 p.54)
Morioka 盛岡 [市] (The Anime Companion 2 p.58)
Nagasaki 長崎 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.90)
Nara 奈良 [市] (The Anime Companion 2 p.61)
Onomichi 尾道 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.101)
Ōtsu 大津 (The Anime Companion 2 p.70)
Sakata 酒田 (The Anime Companion 2 p.76)
Sapporo 札幌 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.111)
Shimo Suwa 下諏訪 [町] (The Anime Companion 2 p.84)
Shimoda 下田 [市] (The Anime Companion 2 p.85)
Shimonoseki 下関 [市] OLD FORM 下關 (The Anime Companion 2 p.85)
Togakushi 戸隠 OLD FORM 戶隱 (The Anime Companion 2 p.101)
Tomakomai 苫小牧 [市] (The Anime Companion 2 p.105)
Urayasu 浦安 [市] (The Anime Companion 2 p.111)
Utsunomiya 宇都宮 [市] OLD FORM 宇都宮 (The Anime Companion 2 p.111)
Yamashina 山科 [区] (The Anime Companion 2 p.116)
Yokohama 横浜 OLD FORM 橫濱 (The Anime Companion 2 p.117)
Yokosuka 横須賀 [市] OLD FORM 橫須賀 (The Anime Companion 2 p.117)
Arashiyama 嵐山 (The Anime Companion 2 p.6)
Gion 祇園 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.35)
Kyōto 京都 [市] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.77)
Hieizan (Mount Hiei) 比叡山 (The Anime Companion 2 p.28)
Kinkakuji (Temple of the Golden Pavilion) 金閣寺 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.69)
Kiyomizudera 清水寺 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.71)
Dōtonbori 道頓堀 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.25)
Ōsaka 大阪 or (archaic) 大坂 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.102)
Shinmachi (pleasure quarter Ōsaka) 新町
Tsūtenkaku (Ōsaka Tower) 通天閣 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.141)
Aoyama Reien (Aoyama Cemetery) 青山霊園 OLD FORM 靑山靈園 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.6)
Asakusa Jinja 浅草神社 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.7)
Hanazono Jinja (in Shinjuku) 花園神社
Kaminarimon 雷門 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.60)
Kaneiji 寛永寺 OLD FORM 寬永寺 (The Anime Companion 2 p.40)
Masakado-Zuka (Masakado’s Mound) 将門塚 FORMAL 將門塚 (The Anime Companion 2 p.55)
Meiji Jingū (Meiji shrine) 明治神宮 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.81)
Sensōji 浅草寺 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.114)
Akihabara Eki (Akihabara Station) 秋葉原駅 OLD FORM 秋葉原驛 (The Anime Companion 2 p.4)
Budōkan 武道館 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.14)
Hachikō ハチ公 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.37)
Ikebukuro Eki (Ikebukuro station) 池袋駅
Keiō Puraza Hoteru (Keio Plaza Hotel) 京王プラザホテル (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.65)
Kabukiza 歌舞伎座 (The Anime Companion 2 p.36)
Kokuritsu Kagaku Hakubutsukan (National Science Museum) 国立科学博物館 (The Anime Companion 2 p.48)
Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan (National Diet Library) 国立国会図書館
Kōkyo (Imperial Palace in Tōkyō) 皇居
My City マイシテイ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.90)
Nihonbashi 日本橋 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.94)
Rainbow Bridge レインボーブリッジ (The Anime Companion 2 p.72)
Rokumeikan (Deer Cry Pavilion) 鹿鳴館
Ryōgokubashi 両国橋 OLD FORM 兩國橋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.74)
Ryōunkaku (Asakusa Twelve Stories) 凌雲閣 or 浅草十二階 OLD FORM 淺草十二階 (The Anime Companion 2 p.75)
Shin Tōkyō Kokusai Kūkō (New Tōkyō International Airport) 新東京国際空港 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.121)
Shinbashi Eki (Shinbashi Station) 新橋駅 OLD FORM 新橋驛 (The Anime Companion 2 p.84)
Shinjuku Eki (Shinjuku Station) 新宿駅 OLD FORM 新宿驛 (The Anime Companion 2 p.85)
shuto kōsoku wangan sen (bayshore expressway) 首都高速湾岸線 (The Anime Companion 2 p.90)
Studio ALTA スタジオアルタ (The Anime Companion 2 p.91)
Teikoku Hoteru (Imperial Hotel) 帝国ホテル OLD FORM 帝國ホテル (The Anime Companion 2 p.98)
Tōkyō Daigaku (Tōkyō University) 東京大学 OLD FORM 東京大學 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.138)
Tōkyō Dōmu (Tōkyō Dome) 東京ドーム (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.138)
Tōkyō Eki (Tōkyō Station) 東京駅 OLD FORM 東京驛 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.138)
Tōkyō Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan (Tōkyō National Museum) 東京国立博物館 (The Anime Companion 2 p.105)
Tōkyō Kokusai Kūkō 東京国際空港 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.138)
Tōkyō Kokusai Tenjijō (Tōkyō International Exhibition Center aka Tōkyō Big Sight) 東京国際展示場
Tōkyō Shōken Torihikijo (Tōkyō Stock Exchange) 東京証券取引所 (The Anime Companion 2 p.105)
Tōkyō Tawā (Tōkyō Tower) 東京タワー (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.138)
Tōkyō Tochōsha (Tōkyō Metropolitan Government Offices) 東京都庁舎 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.139)
Tsukiji Shijō (Tsukiji Fish Market) 築地市場 (The Anime Companion 2 p.109)
Ueno Dōbutsuen (Ueno Zoo) 上野動物園 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.142)
Ueno Eki (Ueno Train Station) 上野駅 OLD FORM 上野驛 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.143)
Uguisudani Eki (Uguisudani Station) 鶯谷駅 OLD FORM 鶯谷驛 (The Anime Companion 2 p.110)
Wakō Clock Tower 和光の時計台 or 和光の時計塔 (The Anime Companion 2 p.112)
Waseda Daigaku (Waseda University) 早稲田大学 OLD FORM 早稻田大學 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.144)
Yokohama Bei Buriji (Yokohama Bay Bridge) 横浜ベイブリッジ (The Anime Companion 2 p.117)
Akasaka 赤坂 (The Anime Companion 2 p.4)
Akihabara 秋葉原 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.5)
Aoyama 青山 OLD FORM 靑山 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.6)
Asakusa 浅草 OLD FORM 淺草 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.5)
Azabu 麻布 (The Anime Companion 2 p.7)
Azabu Jūban 麻布十番 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.8)
Edo 江戸 OLD FORM 江戶 (The Anime Companion 2 p.18)
Edojō (Edo Castle) 江戸城 OLD FORM 江戶城 (The Anime Companion 2 p.18)
Fukagawa 深川 (The Anime Companion 2 p.21)
Ginza 銀座 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.35)
Gōruden Gai (Golden Gai) ゴールデン街
Hachiōji 八王子[市] (The Anime Companion 2 p.25)
Harajuku 原宿 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.41)
Hibiya 日比谷 (The Anime Companion 2 p.27)
Ikebukuro Nishiguchi Kōen (Ikebukuro West Gate Park) 池袋西口公園
Inokashira Onshi Kōen 井の頭恩賜公園 (The Anime Companion 2 p.31)
Iriya 入谷 (The Anime Companion 2 p.32)
Kabukichō 歌舞伎町 (The Anime Companion 2 p.35)
Odaiba Kaihin Kōen (Odaiba Seaside Park) お台場海浜公園 (The Anime Companion 2 p.66)
Ohaguro-dobu (Ditch of Black Teeth) 御歯黒溝
Roppongi 六本木 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.106)
Senju 千住 (The Anime Companion 2 p.81)
Shinbashi 新橋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.84)
Tōkyō 東京 (The Anime Companion 2 p.104)
Tōkyō Dizunīrando (Tōkyō Disneyland) 東京ディズニーランド (The Anime Companion 2 p.104)
Tsukudajima 佃島 (The Anime Companion 2 p.109)
Ueno 上野 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.142)
Ueno Kōen (Ueno Park) 上野公園 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.143)
Uguisudani (Valley Of The Bush Warblers) 鶯谷 (The Anime Companion 2 p.110)
Yamanote Sen (Yamanote Line) 山手線 (The Anime Companion 2 p.115)
Yokota Air Base 横田空軍基地 (The Anime Companion 2 p.118)
Yotsuya 四谷 (The Anime Companion 2 p.119)
Tōkyō City Wards (Ku), present day:
Note: Some web pages call their ward a 'city', the Japanese word ku usually refers to a part of a city. Tōkyō has an unusual structure with a local government for each ku, they are still called ku rather than the usual shi. This use of terminology can be confusing to non-Japanese.Wards of Tōkyō [map] (The Anime Companion 2 p.130)
Adachi-ku 足立区 OLD FORM 足立區 (The Anime Companion 2 p.3)
Official site: Adachi CityArakawa-ku 荒川区 OLD FORM 荒川區 (The Anime Companion 2 p.6)
Official site : Arakawa CityBunkyō-ku 文京区
Official site: Bunkyō CityChiyoda-ku 千代田区 OLD FORM 千代田區 (The Anime Companion 2 p.13)
Official site: Chiyoda CityChūō-ku 中央区
Official site: Chuo CityEdogawa-ku 江戸川区 OLD FORM 江戶川區 (The Anime Companion 2 p.18)
Official site: Edogawa CityItabashi-ku 板橋区
Official site: ItabashiKatsushika-ku 葛飾区
Katsushika CityKita-ku 北区
Official site: Kita CityKōtō-ku 江東区 OLD FORM 江東區 (The Anime Companion 2 p.50)
Official site: Kōtō CityMeguro-ku 目黒区
Official site: Meguro CityMinato-ku 港区 OLD FORM 港區 (The Anime Companion 2 p.56)
Official site: Minato CityNakano-ku 中野区 OLD FORM 中野區 (The Anime Companion 2 p.60)
Official site: Nakano CityNerima-ku 練馬区 (The Anime Companion 2 p.61)
Official site: Nerima CityŌta-ku 大田区
Official site:Ōta CitySetagaya-ku 世田谷区
Official site: Setagaya CityShibuya-ku 渋谷区 OLD FORM 澁谷區 (The Anime Companion 2 p.82)
Official site : Shibuya CityShinagawa-ku 品川区 OLD FORM 品川區 (The Anime Companion 2 p.85)
Official site: Shinagawa CityShinjuku-ku 新宿区 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.120)
Official site : Shinjuku CitySuginami-ku 杉並区
Official site: Suginami CitySumida-ku 墨田区
Official site: Sumida CityTaitō-ku 台東区 OLD FORM 臺東區 (The Anime Companion 2 p.95)
Official site: Taito CityToshima-ku 豊島区
Tōkyō City Tama Area, present day:
Note: The Tama area falls to the West of, and outside of, the heavily urbanized ku area of the city that most non-Japanese associate with Tōkyō. This area ranges from urban to rural as one travels further West.General:
Tama Chiku (Tama Area) 多摩地区 (The Anime Companion 2 p.97)
Tama Nyū Taun (Tama New Town) 多摩ニュータウン (The Anime Companion 2 p.97)
Shi (city [市]), Machi (town) and Mura (village):
調布市ホームページ English PageFuchū-shi
City of FuchūFussa-shi
東京都福生市公式ホームページ|トップページ Fussa City Official Web SiteHachiōji-shi
Welcome to HigashimurayamaHigashi-Yamato-shi
ホーム - 東大和市公式ホームページHino-shi
Hino City Guide 日野市役所Hinode-machi
東京都檜原村ホームページHōya-shi now part of Nishitōkyō
Living in KokubunjiKomae-shi
ホーム - 狛江市役所Kunitachi-shi
Kunitachi City HallMachida-shi
Living Guide for Foreign Residents/町田市ホームページMitaka-shi 三鷹 [市] (The Anime Companion 2 p.57)
Musashimurayama City English PageMusashino-shi
Nishitokyo City WebOkutama-machi
Okutama-machi Home PageŌme-shi
ホーム - 青梅市Tachikawa-shi
Welcome to the Tachikawa City web siteTama-shi
ホーム|多摩市Tanashi-shi now part of Nishitōkyō
Tōkyō City Islands, present day:
Tōkyō also includes two chains of islands, the Izu Islands and the Ogasawara Islands. What I am listing below are the administrative bodies not all of the individual islands as there are over a hundred islands in these two chains.Aogashima-mura
三宅村 三宅島 ホームNiijima-mura
IZU OSHIMA Tourist InformationToshima-mura
Sumidagawa 隅田川 (The Anime Companion 2 p.93)
Tōkyō Wan (Tōkyō Bay) 東京湾 OLD FORM 東京灣 (The Anime Companion 2 p.105)
Bakumatsu 幕末 (The Anime Companion 2 p.8)
fū-rin-ka-zan 風林火山 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.31)
Hoppō Ryōdo modai (Northern Territories Issue) 北方領土問題
ikki (peasant revolt) 一揆 (The Anime Companion 2 p.31)
Jukyō (Confucianism) 儒教 OLD FORM 儒敎 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.56)
Nihon Kōgyō Kikaku (JIS, Japanese Industrial Standards) 日本工業規格 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.94)
niwaban 庭番 (The Anime Companion 2 p.63)
Ommyōdō (Way of Yin and Yang) 陰陽道
sankin kōtai (alternative attendance) 参勤交代 FORMAL 參勤交代 or 參覲交代 (The Anime Companion 2 p.77)
Satchō Dōmei (Satsuma-Chōshū Alliance) 薩長同盟 (The Anime Companion 2 p.80)
seppuku (ritual suicide) 切腹 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.115)
sonnō jōi (revere the emperor, expel the barbarians) 尊王攘夷 (The Anime Companion 2 p.90)
tenshō ken'ō shisetsu 天正遣欧使節 OLD FORM 天正遣歐使節 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.135)
Haitōrei 廃刀令 (The Anime Companion 2 p.25)
Ikkoku Ichijō Rei (Law of One Castle per Province) 一国一城令
Nichibei Shūkō Tsūshō Jōyaku (Japan-U.S. Friendship and Commerce Treaty) 日米修好通商条約 OLD FORM 日米修好通商條約 (The Anime Companion 2 p.62)
Nichibei Washin Jōyaku (Treaty of Kanagawa) 日米和親条約 OLD FORM 日米和親條約 (The Anime Companion 2 p.62)
Nihonkoku Kenpō (Constitution of Japan) 日本国憲法 OLD FORM 日本國憲法 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.94)
See also: WEAPONRY/WAR - EVENTAnsei Edo Jishin (Ansei Edo Earthquake) 安政江戸地震
Ansei no Taigoku (Ansei Purge) 安政の大獄 (The Anime Companion 2 p.5)
February 26, 1936 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.29)
Goichigo Jiken (May 15th Incident) 五・一五事件
Kantō Daisinsai (Tōkyō Earthquake of 1923) 関東大震災 OLD FORM 關東大震災 (The Anime Companion 2 p.41)
Nippon bankoku hakuran-kai (Japan World Exposition aka Expo '70) 日本万国博覧会
Sensō Hanzai Ni Kansuru Saiban (Tōkyō War Trials) 戦争犯罪に関する裁判 (The Anime Companion 2 p.82)
chōnaikai (neighborhood association) 町内会 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.19)
Genrōin (Chamber of Elders or Senate) 元老院
Jiyū Minshutō (Liberal Democratic Party) 自由民主党 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.55)
Keizai Kikaku Chō (Economic Planning Agency) 経済企画庁 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.66)
Kokkai (Diet) 国会 OLD FORM 國會 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.72)
Kōseishō (Ministry of Health and Welfare) 厚生省 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.74)
Minshatō (Democratic Socialist Party) 民社党 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.84)
Naimushō (Ministry Of The Interior) 内務省 (The Anime Companion 2 p.60)
Nihon Kyōsantō (Japanese Communist Party) 日本共産党 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.95)
Ommyōryō (Bureau of Yin and Yang) 陰陽寮
Shinsengumi 新撰組 or 新選組 (The Anime Companion 2 p.86)
Tsūshō Sangyō Shō (Ministry of International Trade and Industry - MITI) 通商産業省 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.141)
Historical Periods(jidai kubun) 時代区分 and (nengō) 年号 [sidebar] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p. 24)
Edo Period [Edo Jidai 江戸時代 OLD FORM 江戶時代] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.25)
Engi Era 延喜 (The Anime Companion 2 p.20)
Heian Period 平安時代 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.44)
Heisei Period 平成時代 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.44)
Kamakura Period 鎌倉時代 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.59)
Meiji Period [Meiji Jidai] 明治時代 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.81)
Muromachi Period [Muromachi jidai 室町時代] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.90)
Sengoku jidai (Warring States Period) 戦国時代 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.113)
Shōwa jidai (Shōwa Period) 昭和時代 (The Anime Companion 2 p.88)
Taishō jidai (Taishō Period) 大正時代 (The Anime Companion 2 p.95)
See also:
Objects & Items - Household Items
Objects & Items - Kitchen, Cooking & Food Related
Boshi Kenkō Techō (Maternal and Child Health Handbook) 母子健康手帳
genpuku (boy’s coming of age ceremony) 元服 (The Anime Companion 2 p.22)
mother-in-law [shūto-me しょうとめ or shūto 姑 or gibo 義母] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.89)
omiai 御見合 or miai 見合 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.101)
onēsama (big sister) お姉様 or お姉さま
renting (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.106)
shataku (company housing) 社宅 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.117)
shichiya (naming a baby) 七夜 (The Anime Companion 2 p.83)
susu-harai (end-of-year housecleaning) 煤拂ひ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.128)
tanshin funin (absent father) 単身赴任
tsūshō 通称 FORMAL 通稱 (The Anime Companion 2 p.110)
yōmyō (male child’s name) 幼名 (The Anime Companion 2 p.118)
yōshi (adoption) 養子 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.148)
yuinō (betrothal gift) 結納 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.149)
hoshi-suna ("star" sand) 星砂 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.47)
jishin (earthquake) 地震 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.54)
onsen (hot spring) 温泉 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.102)
taifū (typhoon) 台風 OLD FORM 颱風.(The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.130)
tsunami (tidal wave) 津波 (The Anime Companion 2 p.109)
For edible animals see the relevant sections in FOOD & DRINK- AQUATIC:
heikegani 平家蟹 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.44)
kingyo (goldfish) 金魚 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.68)
koi (carp) 鯉 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.72)
kurage (jellyfish) 水母 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.76)
karasu (crow) 烏 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.62)
tsubame (swallow) 燕 (The Anime Companion 2 p.107)
tsuru (crane) 鶴 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.141)
hotaru (firefly) 蛍 OLD FORM 螢 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.47)
semi (cicada) 蝉 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.112)
inoshishi (wild boar) 猪 OLD FORM 猪 FORMAL 豬 (The Anime Companion 2 p.32)
Iriomote yamaneko (Iriomote wildcat) 西表山猫
kitsune (fox) 狐 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.71)
neko (cat) 猫 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.92)
saru (monkey) 猿 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.111)
shika (deer) 鹿 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.117)
tanuki 狸 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.133)
For edible plants see: FOOD - VEGETABLES & FRUITajisai あじさい or 紫陽花 (Japanese hydrangea) (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.4)
asagao (morning glory) 朝顔 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.6)
ayame (iris) 菖蒲 (The Anime Companion 2 p.7)
bonsai 盆栽 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.13)
dokudami どくだみ or 毒痛み (The Anime Companion 2 p.16)
ginkgo (Jp: ichō) 銀杏 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.35)
hōzuki (Chinese-lantern plant) 酸奬 (The Anime Companion 2 p.29)
kaede to momoji (maple tree) 楓 (or 槭) and 紅葉 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.58)
keyaki (zelkova) 欅 (The Anime Companion 2 p.45)
kiku (chrysanthemum) 菊 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.68)
sakura (cherry blossom) 桜 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.110)
sugi (cedar) 杉 (The Anime Companion 2 p.92)
susuki (pampas grass) 薄 (The Anime Companion 2 p.94)
tsubaki (camellia) 椿 (The Anime Companion 2 p.107)
yanagi (willow) 柳 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.146)
See also:
ENTERTAINMENT/GAME (Several sub-categories)
aka-chōchin (red lantern) あかちょうちん or 赤提灯 OLD FORM 赤提燈 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.4)
bonshō (Temple bell) 梵鐘 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.13)
chōchin (hanging paper lantern) ちょうちん or 提灯 OLD FORM 提燈 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.19)
denwa (telephone) でんわ or 電話 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.22)
Fukusuke (man of good fortune) 福助
hamaya 破魔矢 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.39)
hankachi (handkerchief) ハンカチ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.40)
hanko (seal) はんこ or 判子 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.40)
higozuiki (Higo dried taro stems) ひごずいき or 肥後ずいき or 肥後芋茎 or 白芋茎
hiuchi-ishi (flint and steel) 燧石 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.46)
ishi-dōrō (stone lantern) 石灯籠 OLD FORM 石燈籠 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.51)
jidō-hanbaiki (vending machine) 自動販売機 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.53)
kasa (umbrella) 傘 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.62)
kiseru (tobacco pipe) 煙管 or きせる (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.70)
kō-haku-no-manmaku (red and white curtain) 紅白の幔幕
koinobori (carp streamer) 鯉幟 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.72)
kondōmu (condom) コンドーム (The Anime Companion 2 p.49)
kuwa (hoe) 鍬 (The Anime Companion 2 p.53)
Macs in Anime (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p. 63)
magatama (curved beads) 勾玉 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.78)
manekineko ("beckoning cat") 招き猫 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.79)
mimikaki (ear scoop) 耳かき (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.83)
miyage (souvenir) 土産 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.86)
mizuhiki (decorative cords) 水引 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.87)
Newtons in Anime (The Anime Companion 2 p.61)
ōgi (folding fan) 扇 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.98)
oshibori (small damp towel) おしぼり or 御絞り
poke-beru (beeper) ポケベル (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.104)
sangi (yin-yang divination block) 算木 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.111)
seidōkyō (bronze mirror) (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.112)
sukeruton baibu (skeleton vibe, clear vibrator) スケルトンバイブ
senbazuru (origami paper cranes) 千羽鶴 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.113)
shishidoshi (deer scare) (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.122)
soroban (abacus) 算盤 (The Anime Companion 2 p.91)
shoshinsha-māku (beginners mark) 初心者マーク
sumi (ink) 墨 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.127)
suzu (round bell) 鈴 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.129)
tairyō-bata (large haul flag) 大漁旗
tanzaku 短冊 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.134)
tensui-oke (rainwater buckets) 天水桶
tsuna (rope) 綱 (The Anime Companion 2 p.109)
tsuri-dōrō (hanging lantern) 釣灯籠 OLD FORM 釣燈籠 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.141)
uchiwa (non-folding fan) 団扇 OLD FORM 團扇 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.142)
yatate (portable Ink and brush kit) 矢立
yoshizu (reed screen) 葭簀 (The Anime Companion 2 p.119)
amado (rain doors) あまど 雨戸 OLD FORM 雨戶(The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.5)
chigai-dana (cloud shelves) 違棚 or 違い棚 (The Anime Companion 2 p.12)
engawa (veranda) 縁側 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.27)
fusuma (interior sliding doors) 襖 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.32)
genkan (entryway) 玄関 OLD FORM 御飯 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.34)
irori (sunken hearth) 囲炉裏 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.50)
kaidan dansu 階段箪笥 FORMAL 階段簞笥 (The Anime Companion 2 p.36)
kawara (roof tiles) 瓦 (The Anime Companion 2 p.43)
onigawara (demon-faced edge tile) 鬼瓦 (The Anime Companion 2 p.69)
oshiire (futon storage closets) 押し入れ or 押入れ (The Anime Companion 2 p.69)
ranma (transom) 欄間 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.105)
shachihoko (dolphin roof ornament) 鯱 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.116)
shōheiga (screen and wall painting) 障屏画 OLD FORM 障屛畫 (The Anime Companion 2 p.87)
shōji 障子 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.123)
sudare (hanging blinds) 簾 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.126)
tatami 畳 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.134)
tobukuro (pocket door) 戸袋 OLD FORM 戶袋(The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.136)
tokonoma (decorative alcove) 床の間 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.137)
gissha (ox cart) 牛車 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.36)
hata (ceremonial banner) 旗 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.42)
matoi (banner, standard) 纒 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.81)
mon (family or organizational crest) 家紋 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.89)
nobori (banner) 幟 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.96)
benjo (toilet) 便所 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.9)
byōbu (folding screen) びょうぶ or 屏風 OLD FORM 屛風(The Anime Companion 2 p.11)
chabudai ちゃぶだい or 卓袱台 OLD FORM 卓袱臺 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.17)
fumiishi (stone step) 踏み石fūrin (wind bell) 風鈴 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.30)
furo (bath) 風呂 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.31)
furoshiki (carrying cloth) 風呂敷 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.31)
futon 布団 OLD FORM 布團 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.32)
goemonburo (large iron pot or tub) 五右衛門風呂hataki (duster) はたき (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.42)
hibachi (charcoal heater) 火鉢 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.44)
kadomatsu (pine gate) 門松 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.58)
kakemono (hanging scroll) 掛け物 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.59)
kaku andon (four-legged standing lantern) 角行灯 OLD FORM 角行燈 (The Anime Companion 2 p.38)
kaya (mosquito netting) 蚊帳kayari (smoke to repel insects) 蚊遣り
kotatsu 炬燵 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.74)
makura (pillow) 枕 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.79)
noren (split curtains) 暖簾 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.96)
rōsoku (candle) 蝋燭 FORMAL 蠟燭 (The Anime Companion 2 p.74)
tansu (wooden chest) 箪笥 FORMAL 簞笥 (The Anime Companion 2 p.97)
tenugui (hand or tea towel) 手拭い
teshoku (portable candle holder) 手燭 (The Anime Companion 2 p.100)
tabako bon (tobacco stand or tray) 煙草盆
tsuitate (standing screen) 衝立 (The Anime Companion 2 p.108)
yuwakashiki (wall-mounted water heater) 湯沸かし器 (The Anime Companion 2 p.120)
zabuton (floor cushion) 座布団 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.150)
zaisu (legless chair) 座椅子 OLD FORM 坐椅子 (The Anime Companion 2 p.120)
ekiben (station lunch) 駅弁 OLD FORM 驛辨 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.26)
jizaikagi (pot hook) 自在鉤 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.55)
kamado (stove) かまど or 竈 (The Anime Companion 2 p.39)
oshiki (flat serving tray) おしき or 折敷 (The Anime Companion 2 p.70)
otoshibuta (drop lid) おとしぶた or 落とし蓋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.70)
renge (Chinese spoon) れんげ or 蓮華 (The Anime Companion 2 p.73)
shokuhin sanpuru (food model) 食品サンプル (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.124)
takenokawa (bamboo sheaths used as wrappers) 竹の皮 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.131)
tokoroten-tsuki (extruder for tokoroten) 心太突き
zen (small individual table for food) ぜん or 膳 (The Anime Companion 2 p.122)
bentō (box lunch for one person) べんとう or 弁当 OLD FORM 辨當 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.10)
chawan (small bowl) ちゃわん or 茶碗 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.18)
choko (sake cup) ちょこ or 猪口 OLD FORM 猪口 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.19)
donabe (ceramic pot) どなべ or 土鍋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.17)
donburi (food bowl) どんぶりor 丼 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.24)
jūbako (stacking boxes) 重箱 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.56)
kama (cooking pot) かま or 釜 (The Anime Companion 2 p.38)
nabe (iron pot) なべ or 鍋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.59)
sakazuki (sake cup) さかずき or 杯 or 盃 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.109)
tokkuri (sake flask) 徳利 OLD FORM 德利(The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.137)
denki-gama (electric rice cooker) でんきがま or 電気釜 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.22)
hashi (chopsticks) 箸 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.42)
ichimonji (spatula) いちもんじ or 一文字 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.58)
katsuobushibako (box for shaving bonito) 鰹節箱
makisu (rolling mat) まきすor 巻きす
masu (box measure) ます or 枡 or 升 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.80)
seirō (food steamer) せいろう or せいろ or 蒸籠 (The Anime Companion 2 p.81)
shichirin (ceramic brazier) しちりん or 七厘 or 七輪 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.117)
teppan (iron plate) てっぱん or 鉄板 OLD FORM 鐵板 (The Anime Companion 2 p.99)
butsudan (Buddhist altar) 仏壇 OLD FORM 佛壇 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.16)
chi no wa (large standing ring) 茅輪
ema (votive tablet) 絵馬 OLD FORM 繪馬 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.26)
gohei 御幣 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.36)
haraigushi (purification wand) 祓串
hitodama (spirit lights) 人魂 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.46)
hitogata (human shaped dolls) 人形
inori (prayer) 祈り (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.49)
inzō 印相 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.50)
juzu (rosary) 数珠 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.57)
kagami-mochi (New Year rice cake ornament) 鏡餅
kamidana (Shintō altar) 神棚 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.60)
katashiro (shape substitution) 形代
kei (bell) 磬 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.65)
keisaku or kyōsaku (Zen stick) 警策 (The Anime Companion 2 p.44)
koma-inu 狛犬 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.73)
kongōshō (vajra) 金剛杵 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.73)
kumade (bamboo rake) 熊手 or くまで (The Anime Companion 2 p.51)
mikoshi (portable shrine) 神輿 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.82)
mikuji (fortune stick) 神籤 also 御鬮 or omikuji 御神籤 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.83)
mochi-tsuki (mochi pounding) 餅搗
ofuda 御札 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.98)
omamori (amulet) お守り (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.100)
saifuku 祭服 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.107)
saisen (money offering) 賽銭 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.109)
Sanemori-sama さねもりさま or 実盛様 OLD FORM 實盛樣 (The Anime Companion 2 p.77)
Sanshu no jingi (3 sacred treasures, mirror sword jewel) 三種の神器
senja-fuda (shrine card) 千社札 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.113)
shimenawa (sacred rope) 注連縄 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.118)
shinboku (sacred tree) 神木 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.119)
shinsen (food offerings to kami) 神饌
shintai ("kami-body") 神体 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.121)
sotoba 率都婆 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.125)
susuki-mimizuku (owl charm) 薄木菟
temizuya 手水屋 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.134)
teruteru bōzu (rain doll) 照る照る坊主 OR てるてる坊主 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.136)
torii (shrine gate) 鳥居 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.139)
wara ningyō (straw doll) 藁人形 (The Anime Companion 2 p.112)
When an occupation falls under another heading it is listed there
See also: Terminology - Queeraging population (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.3)
ganguro (black face) ガングロ or 顔黒
kabuki mono かぶき者 (The Anime Companion 2 p.35)
kaishakunin 介錯人 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.59)
onnatarashi (playboy) 女誑し or 女たらし (The Anime Companion 2 p.69)
senpai (senior) 先輩 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.114)
shishi (men of high purpose) 志士 (The Anime Companion 2 p.86)
shōjo (young woman) 少女 (The Anime Companion 2 p.87)
yopparai (a drunk) 酔っ払い OLD FORM 醉つ拂ひ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.148)
Akagawa Jirō 赤川次郎 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.4)
Akutagawa Ryūnosuke 芥川竜之介 FORMAL 芥川龍之介 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.5)
Amakusa Shirō 天草四郎 (The Anime Companion 2 p.5)
Arima Kihei 有馬喜兵衛 OLD FORM 有馬喜兵衞 (The Anime Companion 2 p.6)
Bakin 馬琴 [full name Takizawa Bakin 滝沢馬琴 OLD FORM 瀧澤馬琴] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.8)
Bandō Tamasaburō V 坂東玉三郎 (Bandō Tamasaburō), 五代目坂東玉三郎 (Bandō Tamasaburō V) (The Anime Companion 2 p.8)
Bashō 芭蕉 (Matsuo Bashō 松尾芭蕉) (The Anime Companion 2 p.8)
Benkei 弁慶 OLD FORM 辨慶 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.10)
Dōgen 道元 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.23)
Edogawa Rampo 江戸川乱歩 OLD FORM 江戶川亂歩 (The Anime Companion 2 p.18)
En no Gyōja 役行者 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.28)
Enomoto Ken'ichi 榎本健一 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.28)
Fujiwarashi (Fujiwara family) 藤原氏
Genji 源氏 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.34)
Hayashi Fumiko 林芙美子 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.43)
Hearn, Lafcadio ハーン, L or ラフカディオ・ハーン (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.44)
Higuchi Ichiyō 樋口一葉 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.45)
Hijikata Toshizō 土方歳三 (The Anime Companion 2 p.28)
Ii Naosuke 井伊直弼 (The Anime Companion 2 p.29)
Ikeda Terumasa 池田輝政 (The Anime Companion 2 p.30)
Ikumatsu 幾松 (The Anime Companion 2 p.31)
Ishida Mitsunari 石田三成 (The Anime Companion 2 p.32)
Ishihara Shintarō 石原慎太郎 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.51)
Ishikawa Goemon 石川五右衛門 OLD FORM 石川五右衞門 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.51)
Ishikawa Takuboku 石川啄木 (The Anime Companion 2 p.32)
Itagaki Taisuke 板垣退助 (The Anime Companion 2 p.33)
Izumi Kyōka 泉鏡花 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.52)
Izumo no Okuni 出雲のお国 OLD FORM 出雲のお國 (The Anime Companion 2 p.33)
Katō Kiyomasa 加藤清正 (The Anime Companion 2 p.42)
Katsu Kaishū 勝海舟 (The Anime Companion 2 p.42)
Kawabata Yasunari 川端康成 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.64)
Kido Takayoshi 木戸孝允 OLD FORM 木戶孝允 (The Anime Companion 2 p.46)
Kintarō 金太郎 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.69)
Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 (The Anime Companion 2 p.47)
Kondō Isami 近藤勇 (The Anime Companion 2 p.49)
Konishi Yukinaga 小西行長 (The Anime Companion 2 p.49)
Kume Masao 久米正雄 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.76)
Kurama Tengu 鞍馬天狗 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.76)
Minamoto 源 or Minamoto family 源氏 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.83)
Minamoto no Yorimitsu 源頼光 OLD FORM 源賴光(The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.84)
Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源義経 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.84)
Miyabe Teizo 宮部鼎蔵 OLD FORM 宮部鼎藏 (The Anime Companion 2 p.58)
Miyamoto Musashi 宮本武蔵 OLD FORM 宮本武藏 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.86)
Miyazawa Kenji 宮沢賢治 OLD FORM 宮澤賢治 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.86)
Momotarō (Peach Boy) 桃太郎 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.87)
Mori Ōgai 森鴎外 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.89)
Murasaki Shikibu 紫式部 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.89)
Mushanokōji Saneatsu 武者小路実篤 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.90)
Natsume Sōseki 夏目漱石 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.91)
Nezumi Kozō 鼠小僧 (The Anime Companion 2 p.62)
Oda Nobunaga 織田信長 (The Anime Companion 2 p.65)
Oguri Tadamasa 小栗忠順 (The Anime Companion 2 p.66)
Okada Keisuke 岡田啓介 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.99)
Okiku お菊 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.99)
Okita Sōji 沖田 総司 (The Anime Companion 2 p.68)
Ōkubo Toshimichi 大久保利通 (The Anime Companion 2 p.68)
Ōtomo no Yakamochi 大伴家持 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.103)
Ozaki Shirō 尾崎士郎 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.103)
Perry, Matthew Calbraith ペリー, M. C. or マシュー・カルブレイス・ペリー (The Anime Companion 2 p.71)
Saigō Takamori 西郷隆盛 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.107)
Saigyō 西行 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.107)
Sakamoto Ryōma 坂本竜馬 FORMAL 坂本龍馬 (The Anime Companion 2 p.76)
Shimazushi (Shimazu family) 島津氏
Shinran 親鸞 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.121)
Shōwa Tennō (Shōwa Emperor) 昭和天皇 (The Anime Companion 2 p.88)
Son Gokū 孫悟空 (The Anime Companion 2 p.90)
Sugawara No Michizane 菅原道真 (The Anime Companion 2 p.91)
Taira [family] 平氏 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.130)
Taira no Masakado 平将門 OLD FORM 平將門 (The Anime Companion 2 p.95)
Takahama Kyoshi 高浜虚子 OLD FORM 高濱虛子
Takasugi Shinsaku 高杉晋作 FORMAL 高杉晉作 (The Anime Companion 2 p.96)
Takuan Sōhō 沢庵宗彭 FORMAL 澤庵宗彭 (The Anime Companion 2 p.96)
Tanizaki Jun'ichirō 谷崎潤一郎 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.133)
Terada Torahiko 寺田寅彦 FORMAL 寺田寅彥
Tokugawa [family] Tokugawashi 徳川氏 OLD FORM 德川氏 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.137)
Tokugawa Shōgun [sidebar listing the 15 shōgun] (The Anime Companion 2 p.88)
Tokugawa Iemitsu 徳川家光 OLD FORM 德川家光 (The Anime Companion 2 p.102)
Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康 OLD FORM 德川家康 (The Anime Companion 2 p.102)
Tokugawa Mitsukuni 徳川光圀 OLD FORM 德川光圀 (The Anime Companion 2 p.103)
Tokugawa Yorinobu 徳川頼宣 OLD FORM 德川賴宣 (The Anime Companion 2 p.103)
Tokugawa Yoshimune 徳川吉宗 OLD FORM 德川吉宗 (The Anime Companion 2 p.103)
Tokugawa Yoshinobu 徳川慶喜 OLD FORM 德川慶喜 (The Anime Companion 2 p.104)
Toyotomi Hideyori 豊臣秀頼 OLD FORM 豐臣秀賴
Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 OLD FORM 豐臣秀吉 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.140)
Tsukahara Bokuden 塚原卜伝 OLD FORM 塚原卜傳 (The Anime Companion 2 p.108)
Urashima Tarō 浦島太郎 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.144)
Yagyū Hyōgonosuke Toshiyoshi 柳生兵庫助利厳 OLD FORM 柳生兵庫助利嚴
Yagyū Jūbei Mitsuyoshi 柳生十兵衛三厳 FORMAL 柳生十兵衞三嚴 (The Anime Companion 2 p.113)
Yagyū Sekishūsai Muneyoshi 生石舟斎宗厳 OLD FORM 柳生石舟齋宗嚴
Yamagata Aritomo 山県有朋 OLD FORM 山縣有朋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.114)
Yamayoshi Morisuke山吉盛典 (The Anime Companion 2 p.116)
Yanagita Kunio 柳田国男 OLD FORM 柳田國男
Yoshida Shōin 吉田松蔭 (The Anime Companion 2 p.118)
Yoshida Tōyō 吉田東洋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.118)
Yoshikawa Eiji 吉川英治 (The Anime Companion 2 p.118)
Ainu アイヌ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.3)
Emishi 蝦夷 (The Anime Companion 2 p.19)
gaijin (foreigner) 外人 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.33)
Sanka (a nomadic people) サンカ or 山窩 (The Anime Companion 2 p.77)
zainichi kankokujin to chōsenjin (Koreans in Japan) 在日韓国人と朝鮮人
danchizuma (housing complex wife) 団地妻
Hon'imbō (Grand Master of Go) 本因坊
karisuma tenin (charisma clerk) カリスマ店員
meido or mēdo (maid) メイド or メード
okami おかみ or お上 or 女将 (varies with context)
OL オーエル ("office lady" オフィス ・ レディー) (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.100)
oyabun - kobun (parent role - child role) 親分 - 子分
sakaya (sake brewer and dealer) 酒屋
sarariman ("salaried man") サラリーマン (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.111)
sensei (teacher, master) 先生 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.114)
tōfu-ya (tōfu seller) 豆腐屋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.101)
yakuza (gangster) やくざ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.146)
bugyō (magistrate, commissioner) 奉行
daikan 代官 (The Anime Companion 2 p.15)
dōchū bugyō (commissioner of highways) 道中奉行
Edo machi bugyō (Edo city commissioner or magistrate) 江戸町奉行
jisha bugyō (commissioner of temples and shrines) 寺社奉行
kanjō bugyō (commissioner of finance) 勘定奉行
Kyōto Shoshidai (Kyōto Deputy) 京都所司代 (The Anime Companion 2 p.53)
Kyōto Shugoshoku (Kyōto Military Commissioner) 京都守護職 (The Anime Companion 2 p.53)
machi bugyō (city commissioner or magistrate) 町奉行
machi-bugyōsho (town magistrate office) 町奉行所
machi-doshiyori (town elder, alderman) 町年寄
metsuke (inspector, censor) 目付
Nagasaki bugyō (Nagasaki Commissioner) 長崎奉行
ōmetsuke (inspectors general) 大目付
shōgun 将軍 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.123)
Teppō Bugyō (Commissioner of Firearms) 鉄砲奉行
toshiyori (elders, community leaders) 年寄
fūzokujo (sex industry worker) 風俗嬢
geisha 芸者 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.33)
hosutesu ("hostess") ホステス (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.47)
kagema (a type of male prostitute) 陰間
kamuro (young female pages or attendants) 禿
maiko (apprentice geisha) 舞子 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.78)
matchi uri no shōjo (match selling girls) マツチ売りの少女
aidoru ("idol" singer) アイドル (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.3)
biwa hōshi ("lute priest") 琵琶法師 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.11)
chindonya (music maker) ちんどん屋 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.19)
goze (blind female singers) 瞽女
kurogo (stagehand) 黒子 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.76)
ashigaru (foot soldier) 足軽 (The Anime Companion 2 p.6)
bushi (warrior) 武士 (The Anime Companion 2 p.11)
daimyō (han lord) 大名 (The Anime Companion 2 p.15)
dōshin (lower-grade samurai rank) 同心
fudai daimyō 譜代大名 (The Anime Companion 2 p.20)
gokenin (vassals, housemen) 御家人
hatamoto (bannermen) 旗本 (The Anime Companion 2 p.27)
rōnin 浪人 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.106)
samurai 侍 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.110)
shōgun 将軍 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.123)
tozama daimyō 外様大名 OLD FORM 外樣大名 (The Anime Companion 2 p.107)
bōzu (Buddhist priest or monk) 坊主 or 房主
miko (shrine maiden) 巫女 or 神子 OLD FORM (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.82)
reki-hakase (high master of calendar-making) 暦博士
yamabushi (mountain ascetic) 山伏 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.146)
See also:
Building/Structure/Landmark - Religious
Tōkyō/Edo - Building/Structure/Landmark - Religious
Religion/Mythology/Belief - Supernatural Beings/Yōkai
Adachigahara 安達ヶ原 (The Anime Companion 2 p.3)
ame-tsuchi (Heaven and Earth) 天地
bōzu (Buddhist priest or monk) 坊主 or 房主
bosatsu 菩薩 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.13)
Gokuraku (Western Pure Land) 極楽 OLD FORM 極樂 (The Anime Companion 2 p.24)
ikigami (living human deity) 生き神
imikotoba (taboo words and expressions) 忌詞
ishi-age (Stone or pebble offerings) 石上げ
kaimyō 戒名 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.58)
kami 神 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.59)
kamikakushi (spirited away) 神隠し
kamigakari (possession by a kami) 神憑り
kaminazuki (month without gods) 神無月
Katsuragawa Geango 葛川夏安居 (The Anime Companion 2 p.43)
kuji (nine magic syllables) 九字 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.75)
meinichi (death anniversary) 命日 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.81)
miko (shrine maiden) 巫女 or 神子 OLD FORM (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.82)
nenbutsu 念仏 OLD FORM 念佛 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.92)
Sanzu No Kawa (River Styx) 三途の川 or 三途川 (The Anime Companion 2 p.78)
shinkō shūkyō (new religion) 新興宗教 [or shin shūkyō - 新宗教] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.120)
shinzen kekkon (Shintō wedding) 神前結婚 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.121)
shūmon aratame (religious inquisition) 宗門改
tachimono (something abstained from) たちもの or 断ち物 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.129)
Takamagahara (plain of high heaven) 高天が原 OR 高天原(The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.130)
tatari (curse or spiritual retribution) 祟り
Tokoyo no Kuni (Eternal Land) 常世の国
yamabushi (mountain ascetic) 山伏 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.146)
Yao-yorozu-no-kami (eight million gods) 八百万神
zazen (Zen meditation) 坐禅 or 座禅 OLD FORM 坐禪 (The Anime Companion 2 p.121)
zeichiku 筮竹 (The Anime Companion 2 p.121)
This listing is for items, including persons, exclusively or very strongly associated with Ommyōdō.katashiro (shape substitution) 形代
Ommyōdō (Way of Yin and Yang) 陰陽道
Ommyōryō (Bureau of Yin and Yang) 陰陽寮
reki-hakase (high master of calendar-making) 暦博士
junrei (pilgrimage) 巡礼 OLD FORM 巡禮 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.57)
kagura 神楽 (The Anime Companion 2 p.36)
kaihōgyō 回峯行 or 回峰行 (The Anime Companion 2 p.36)
kashiwade 柏手 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.63)
meigen (resounding bowstrings) 鳴弦
misogi (purification) 禊 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.85)
mizugori (waterfall purification) 水垢離 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.86)
okuribi (ritual bonfire) 送り火 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.100)
Shikoku-henro (Shikoku pilgrimage) 四国遍路
tōrō nagashi (lantern floating) 灯籠流し
tsukimono otoshi (exorcism) 憑物落とし (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.140)
ushi no koku mairi (nailing a doll to a tree) 丑の刻参り OLD FORM 丑の刻參り (The Anime Companion 2 p.111)
Bukkyō (Buddhism) 仏教 OLD FORM 佛敎 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.15)
Kirisutokyō (Christianity) キリスト教 OLD FORM キリスト敎 or as 基督教 OLD FORM 基督敎 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.69)
mikkyō (Esoteric Buddhism) 密教 OLD FORM 密敎 (The Anime Companion 2 p.56)
nenbutsu odori (dancing nembutsu) 念仏踊
Nichirenshū (Nichiren sect) 日蓮宗
Ryōbu Shintō (Dual Shintō) 両部神道
Shingonshū (Shingon sect of Buddhism.) 眞言宗 or 真言宗
Shintō 神道 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.121)
Shugendō 修験道 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.124)
Zen (Buddhism) 禅 FORMAL 禪 (The Anime Companion 2 p.122)
Amaterasu ōmikami 天照大神 OLD FORM 天照大神 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.5)
Benten 弁天 OLD FORM 辯天, or Benzaiten 弁財天 OLD FORM 辨財天, or 弁才天 OLD FORM 辯才天 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.10)
bimbōgami (god of poverty) 貧乏神
Bishamon 毘沙門 [or Bishamonten 毘沙門天] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.11)
Daikokuten 大黒天 OLD FORM 大黑天 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.21)
Daruma 達磨 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.21)
Ebisu 恵比須 OLD FORM 惠比須, or 恵比寿 OLD FORM 惠比壽, or 夷 or 戎 or 蛭子(The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.25)
Fudō-Myōō 不動明王 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.29)
Fukūkenjaku Kannon Bosatsu 不空羂索観音菩薩Fukurokuju 福禄寿 OLD FORM 福祿壽 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.30)
Hachiman 八幡 (The Anime Companion 2 p.25)
Hōsō no kami (smallpox kami) 疱瘡神
Hotei 布袋 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.48)
Inari 稲荷 OLD FORM 稻荷 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.48)
Izanagi no Mikoto to Izanami no Mikoto (Izanagi no Mikoto and Izanami no Mikoto) いざなぎの命といざなみの命
Jizō 地蔵 OLD FORM 地藏 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.55)
Jūichimen Kannon Bosatsu (Eleven Faced Kannon) 十一面観音菩薩
Jūni Jinshō 十二神将 OLD FORM 十二神將 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.57)
Marishiten (Buddhist deity) 摩利支天
Raijin (god of thunder) 雷神 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.105)
Senju Kannon (Thousand-Armed Kannon) 千手観音菩薩
Shichifuku-jin (seven deities of good fortune) 七福神 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.117)
Susanoo-no-mikoto 須佐之男命 [or Susanoo 須佐之男] (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.127)
yama no kami (god of the mountain) 山の神
Zashiki Warashi 座敷童 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.150)
Zenki 前鬼 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.150)
akai-kami-aoi-kami (red paper blue paper) 赤紙青紙
Ashiarai Yashiki (Foot-Washing Mansion) 足洗邸
azuki arai (azuki bean washer) 小豆洗い or あずきあらい
bakemono (monster) 化け物 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.8)
bakeneko (monster cat) 化け猫 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.8)
baku (dream eater) 獏 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.9)
futakuchi-onna (two mouthed woman) 二口女
Gazu hyakkiyagyō (Illustrated night procession of 100 demons) 画図百鬼夜行
goryō (vengeful ghost) 御霊 OLD FORM 御靈 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.36)
Hitotsume Kozō (one eyed boy) 一つ目小僧
hyakki yagyō (night procession of 100 demons) 百鬼夜行
kamaitachi (weasel slash) 鎌鼬 or 窮奇
kappa 河童 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.61)
kitsune (fox) 狐 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.71)
kitsune no yomeiri (fox giving the bride, fox wedding procession) 狐の嫁入り
kitsune-tsuki (fox possession) 狐憑き
Konaki Jiji (old man who cries like a baby) 児啼爺
kuchi-sake-onna (slit-mouthed woman) 口裂け女 or 口さけ女
ningyo (mermaid) 人魚 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.95)
Nopperabō (faceless yōkai) のっぺら坊 or のっぺらぼう
oiteke-bori (leave it behind) 置行堀
oni (demon) 鬼 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.101)
rokurokubi (long necked woman) ろくろ首
ryū (dragon) 竜 FORMAL 龍 (The Anime Companion 2 p.75)
Suna-kake-baba (sand throwing old woman) 砂かけ婆
tankororin (persimmon yōkai) たんころりん
tanuki 狸 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.133)
tengu (mountain spirit) 天狗 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.134)
tennyo (heavenly maiden, nymph, angel) 天女 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.135)
tsukumogami (spirit of a made object) 付喪神
yuki onna (snow woman) 雪女 (The Anime Companion 2 p.120)
yūrei (ghost) 幽霊 OLD FORM 幽靈 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.149)
Hannya shingyō (Heart Sūtra) 般若心經
Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) 古事記
WINTER (Winter Solstice in December - Spring Equinox in March):
amadai あまだい or 甘鯛 (The Anime Companion 2 p.5)
ōtoro (very fatty tuna meat) 大トロ
bōnen-kai ("forget the year party") 忘年会
bunkasai (cultural festival) 文化祭
Kurisumasu (Christmas) クリスマス (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.76)
Sapporo Yuki Matsuri (Sapporo Snow Festival) 札幌雪まつり (The Anime Companion 2 p.79)
Sei Barentain no Shukujitsu (Saint Valentine's Day) 聖バレンタインの祝日 (or Sei Barentain De 聖バレンタインデー) (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.112)
Seijin No Hi (Coming-Of-Age Day) 成人の日 (The Anime Companion 2 p.80)
Setsubun 節分 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.116)
sukī (skiing) スキー (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.126)
White Day ホワイトデー or ホワイトデイ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.145)
See also: Religion/Mythology/Belief - Texts
hamaya 破魔矢 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.39)
hanetsuki 羽根突き OLD FORM 羽根突き (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.40)
hatsumōde 初詣 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.42)
hatsuyume (first dream of the year) 初夢
joya no kane 除夜の鐘 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.55)
kadomatsu (pine gate) 門松 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.58)
kagami-mochi (New Year rice cake ornament) 鏡餅
kazunoko (herring roe) 数の子 or 鯑
koma (spinning top) 独楽 OLD FORM 獨樂 (The Anime Companion 2 p.48)
otoshidama (new year gift) 御年玉
nengajō (New Year's card) 年賀状 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.92)
osechi-ryōri (New Year's food) お節料理 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.102)
susu-harai (end-of-year housecleaning) 煤拂ひ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.128)
tako-age (kite flying) 凧揚げ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.132)
toshikoshi soba (new year's soba) 年越しそば (The Anime Companion 2 p.106)
toso 屠蘇 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.139)
uta karuta (poem card) 歌ガルタ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.144)
zōni 雑煮 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.150)
SPRING (Spring Equinox in March - Summer Solstice in June):
akagai あかがい or 赤貝 (The Anime Companion 2 p.4)
sazae (turbo or top-shell) 栄螺 or 蓑座絵
sazae no tsuboyaki (sazae cooked in the shell) さざえの壷焼き
hanami (flower viewing) 花見 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.39)
Hina Matsuri (Doll Festival) 雛祭 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.45)
Kodomo-no-hi (Children's Day) こどもの日 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.72)
ayame (iris) 菖蒲 (The Anime Companion 2 p.7)
sakura (cherry blossom) 桜 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.110)
SUMMER (Summer Solstice in June - Fall Equinox in September):
taifū (typhoon) 台風 OLD FORM 颱風.(The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.130)
semi (cicada) 蝉 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.112)
hotaru (firefly) 蛍 OLD FORM 螢 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.47)
semi (cicada) 蝉 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.112)
sazae (turbo or top-shell) 栄螺 or 蓑座絵
sazae no tsuboyaki (sazae cooked in the shell) さざえの壷焼き
Bon 盆 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.12)
Bon odori 盆踊り (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.13)
Gion Matsuri (Gion festival) 祇園祭 (The Anime Companion 2 p.23)
hanabi (fireworks) 花火 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.39)
hōzuki ichi (Chinese-lantern plant market) 酸奬市 (The Anime Companion 2 p.29)
Nebuta Matsuri (Nebuta Festival) ねぶた祭 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.92)
suika-wari (watermelon game) スイカ割り (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.126)
shochū-mimai-jō (summertime greeting letter) 暑中見舞状
Tanabata 七夕 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.133)
fūrin (wind bell) 風鈴 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.30)
tanzaku 短冊 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.134)
yoshizu (reed screen) 葭簀 (The Anime Companion 2 p.119)
ayame (iris) 菖蒲 (The Anime Companion 2 p.7)
hōzuki (Chinese-lantern plant) 酸奬 (The Anime Companion 2 p.29)
suika (watermelon) すいか or 西瓜 (The Anime Companion 2 p.92)
FALL (Fall Equinox in September - Winter Solstice in December):
Shichi-go-san (7-5-3 Festival) 七五三 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.117)
tori no ichi (bird fair) 酉の市 (The Anime Companion 2 p.106)
sanma さんま or 秋刀魚 (The Anime Companion 2 p.78)
ginkgo (Jp: ichō) 銀杏 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.35)
kiku (chrysanthemum) 菊 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.68)
susuki (pampas grass) 薄 (The Anime Companion 2 p.94)
See also: Entertainment/Game - Music - Instrument
charumera (rāmen vendor's horn) チャルメラ (The Anime Companion 2 p.12)
kei (bell) 磬 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.65)
suzu (round bell) 鈴 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.129)
tōfu-ya (tōfu seller) 豆腐屋 (The Anime Companion 2 p.101)
karasu (crow) 烏 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.62)
semi (cicada) 蝉 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.112)
chinpira (punk, thug) ちんぴら or チンピラ
dangō (collusive bidding, bid rigging) 談合
oyabun - kobun (parent role - child role) 親分 - 子分
oyaji-gari (old man hunting) 親父狩り or おやじ狩り
yakuza (gangster) やくざ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.146)
hentai 変態 FORMAL 變態 (The Anime Companion 2 p.27)
minisuka porisu (miniskirt police) ミニスカポリス
sasoi (inviting posture or stratagem) 誘
uke (receiver, blocking, bottom) 受け
yaoi やおい (The Anime Companion 2 p.116)
nyū hafu (she-male) ニュー・ハーフ (The Anime Companion 2 p.64)
okama (male homosexual; derogatory) 御釜 or おかま (The Anime Companion 2 p.67)
onēsama (big sister) お姉様 or お姉さま
rezubian (lesbian) レズビアン (The Anime Companion 2 p.73)
fasshon massaji (fashion massage) ファッションマッサージ
ierō kyabu (yellow cab) イエローキャブ
kōnai hassha (ejaculation in mouth) 口内発射
nikaisen (two time battle) 二回戦
oshibori supesharu (oshibori special) おしぼり スペシャル or 御絞り スペシャル
rorikon ("Lolita complex") ロリコン (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.107)
sokushaku (immediate fellatio) 即尺
shudō (the way of loving boys) 衆道
See also: People - Occupations, Titles & Ranks - Military
ashigaru (foot soldier) 足軽 (The Anime Companion 2 p.6)
bakufu (shōgunate) 幕府 (The Anime Companion 2 p.8)
bushi (warrior) 武士 (The Anime Companion 2 p.11)
Byakkotai (White Tiger Brigade) 白虎隊 (The Anime Companion 2 p.11)
Dai Nippon Teikoku Rikugun (Imperial Japanese Army) 大日本帝国陸軍 OLD FORM 大日本帝國陸軍 (The Anime Companion 2 p.14)
dōshin (lower-grade samurai rank) 同心
hatamoto (bannermen) 旗本 (The Anime Companion 2 p.27)
hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors) 被爆者
Jieitai (Self Defense Forces; SDF) 自衛隊 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.53)
Kiheitai (irregular militia) 奇兵隊 (The Anime Companion 2 p.46)
samurai 侍 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.110)
Shōgitai 彰義隊 (The Anime Companion 2 p.86)
shōgun 将軍 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.123)
Boshin Sensō (Boshin Civil War) 戊辰戦争 OLD FORM 戊辰戰爭 (The Anime Companion 2 p.10)
Dannoura no Tatakai 壇ノ浦の戦い OLD FORM 壇ノ浦の戰ひ (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.21)
Goryōkaku no Tatakai (Battle Of Goryōkaku) 五稜郭の戦い OLD FORM 五稜郭の戰ひ (The Anime Companion 2 p.24)
Hamaguri Gomon no Hen 蛤御門の変 OLD FORM 蛤御門の變 (The Anime Companion 2 p.26)
Ikedaya Jiken 池田屋事件 (The Anime Companion 2 p.30)
Kōan no eki (Kōan War) 弘安の役 (The Anime Companion 2 p.47)
Nichiro Sensō (Russo-Japanese War) 日露戦争 OLD FORM 日露戰爭 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.93)
Ōsaka no Jin (Battle of Ōsaka Castle) 大坂の陣
Seinan Sensō (Satsuma Rebellion) 西南戦争 OLD FORM 西南戰爭 (The Anime Companion 2 p.80)
Sekigahara no Tatakai (Battle Of Sekigahara) 関ヶ原の戦い (The Anime Companion 2 p.81)
Shimabara no Ran (Shimabara Uprising) 島原の乱 OLD FORM 島原の亂 (The Anime Companion 2 p.84)
Toba-Fushimi no Tatakai (Battle Of Toba-Fushimi) 鳥羽伏見の戦い OLD FORM 鳥羽伏見の戰ひ (The Anime Companion 2 p.100)
aikidō 合気道 OLD FORM 合氣道 (The Anime Companion 2 p.3)
battō-jutsu 抜刀術 OLD FORM 拔刀術 (The Anime Companion 2 p.9)
bushidō (Way of the Warrior) 武士道 (The Anime Companion 2 p.11)
dōjō (training hall) 道場 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.23)
Hokushin Ittō Ryū 北辰一刀流 (The Anime Companion 2 p.28)
Jigen Ryū 示現流 (The Anime Companion 2 p.34)
jūdō 柔道 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.56)
jūjutsu 柔術 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.56)
kata (form or sequence) 形 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.64)
kendō ("way of the sword") 剣道 OLD FORM 劍道 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.66)
kenjutsu (swordsmanship) 剣術 OLD FORM 劍術 (The Anime Companion 2 p.45)
kenpō (way of the fist) 拳法 (The Anime Companion 2 p.44)
Mugai Ryū 無外流 (The Anime Companion 2 p.58)
musha shugyō 武者修行 (The Anime Companion 2 p.58)
ninjutsu 忍術 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.95)
ryū (martial arts style) 流 (The Anime Companion 2 p.75)
tameshigiri (sword test cut) 試し斬り, 試し切り, 試斬, 試切
taryū-jiai (duel) 他流試合 (The Anime Companion 2 p.98)
Tenshin Shōden Katori Shintō-ryū 天真正伝香取神道流
zainichi beigun (United States Armed Forces in Japan) 在日米軍 (The Anime Companion 2 p.120)
bokken (wooden sword) 木剣 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.12)
fire as a weapon [sidebar] (The Anime Companion 2 p.9)
jitte (truncheon) 十手 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.55)
kakushibuki (hidden weapon) 隠し武器
Kamikaze Tokubetsu Kōgekitai (Kamikaze Special Attack Force) 神風特別攻撃隊 (The Anime Companion 2 p.39)
kashira 頭 (The Anime Companion 2 p.42)
konpei (a type of chain weapon) 錕平
kusarifundō (weighted chain) 鎖分銅 (The Anime Companion 2 p.52)
kusarigama (chain and sickle) 鎖鎌 (The Anime Companion 2 p.52)
kusari-katabira (chain-mail vest) 鎖帷子 (The Anime Companion 2 p.51)
metsubushi (sight remover) 目潰し
naginata (halberd) なぎなた or 薙刀 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.91)
nihontō (Japanese sword) 日本刀 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.95)
saya (scabbard) 鞘 (The Anime Companion 2 p.80)
shikomi shakujō (deceptive monk's staff) 仕込錫杖
shikomi shamisen (shamisen with a blade in it) 仕込三味線
shikomibuki (deceptive weapon) 仕込武器
shinai (bamboo sword) 竹刀 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.119)
shuriken (throwing stars) 手裏剣 OLD FORM 手裏劍 (The Anime Companion 2 p.89)
sodegarami (sleeve entangler) 袖搦
teppō (firearm) 鉄砲 OLD FORM 鐵礮 (The Anime Companion [vol.1] p.135)
tonfa トンファ (The Anime Companion 2 p.105)
tsuba (sword guard) 鍔 or 鐔 (The Anime Companion 2 p.107)
tsuka (sword hilt) 柄 (The Anime Companion 2 p.108)
suntetsu 寸鉄 OLD FORM 寸鐵 (The Anime Companion 2 p.93)
Betty (aircraft) 一式陸上攻撃機 ISSHIKIRIKUJŌKŌGEKIKI (The Anime Companion 2 p.9)
Emily (aircraft) 二式飛行艇 (Nishikihikōtei) (The Anime Companion 2 p.19)
Ōka (Ohka, aircraft) 桜花 OLD FORM 櫻花 (The Anime Companion 2 p.67)
Yamato (battleship) 大和 (The Anime Companion 2 p.116)
Zerosen (Zero Fighter) ゼロ戦 or 零戦 (REISEN) OLD FORM 零戰 (The Anime Companion 2 p.122)
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