Anime Companion Supplement - New Entries

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This page lists new entries in the supplement for two of my books The Anime Companion and The Anime Companion Volume 2. Revisions and new links to web resources will not be listed here.

On occasion I will merge the lists for previous months.
In January or February of each year I will alphabetize the changes for the previous year.

The inclusion of an anime or manga title in these entries is not a recommendation see my Recommended Anime and Manga page for a list of my recommendations

I am taking a break from adding new entries to the supplement to devote time to other writing projects. However if you have requests send them to me and I will do them. I shall add new entries on occasion.

September 30, 2012
Supplement total to date = 781
1 new entry added:
fudanshi (rotten man) 腐男子
May 29, 2012
2 new entries added:
nikaisen (two time battle) 二回戦
Nurarihyon 滑瓢 or ぬらりひょん
February 5, 2012
3 new entries added:
sōpu-jō (soap jō, soap girl) ソープ嬢
torukoburo (Turkish bath house) トルコ風呂 or トルコぶろ
toruko-jō (Turkish girl) トルコ嬢
January 29
1 new entry added:
muchi [yōkai] 鞭
January 2, 2012
1 new entry added:
Hannya shingyō (Heart Sūtra) 般若心經
January - December 12, 2011
45 new entries added:
Ansei Edo Jishin (Ansei Edo Earthquake) 安政江戸地震
Arakawa 荒川
Ashiya Dōman Ōuchi Kagami (Ashiya Dōman: A Mirror of the Imperial Court) 蘆屋道満大内鑑
Atsumi Kiyoshi 渥美清
AV (Adult Video)
bentō bako (bentō box) 弁当箱
bijinga (beauty picture) 美人畫
Boshi Kenkō Techō (Maternal and Child Health Handbook) 母子健康手帳
chi no wa (large standing ring) 茅輪
chitoseame (1000 year candy) 千歳飴
dagashiya (cheap sweet shop) 駄菓子屋
Edogawa 江戸川
Gokaidō (Five Highways) 五街道
gundai (district deputy) 郡代
hamon (formal expulsion) 破門
harikata (dildo) 張形
Honjo 本所
ichirizuka (milestone mound) 一里塚
Iijima Ai 飯島 愛
jikoku-hyō (timetable) 時刻表
Jūichimen Kannon Bosatsu (Eleven Faced Kannon) 十一面観音菩薩
kanzashi dama (hairpin bead) 簪玉
karasumi (botargo) 鱲子 or 唐墨
karisuma tenin (charisma clerk) カリスマ店員
kazunoko (herring roe) 数の子 or 鯑
kigo (seasonal word) 季語
Kira Yoshinaka 吉良義央
Kompira 金比羅
Kyōei-zan Daikyōji 経栄山 題経寺
Matsuda Seiko 松田聖子
monjayaki もんじゃ焼き
namazu (catfish) 鯰
namazu-e (catfish picture) 鯰絵
Ohaguro-dobu (Ditch of Black Teeth) 御歯黒溝
omiai pub (matchmaking pub) お見合パブ
Otoko wa Tsurai Yo (It's Tough Being a Man, aka: The Tora-san movies) 男はつらいよ
San Oku En Jiken (300 million yen robbery) 三億円事件
Shōheikō 昌平黌
Suica スイカ
Sukeroku Yukari no Edo Zakura (Sukeroku Flower of Edo) 助六由縁江戸桜
tankororin (persimmon yōkai) たんころりん
Teppō Bugyō (Commissioner of Firearms) 鉄砲奉行
Terada Torahiko 寺田 寅彦
Tōyama no Kinsan 遠山の金さん
yatate (portable Ink and brush kit) 矢立
January - December 2010
89 new entries added:
ageya (rendezvous teahouses) 揚屋
ame-tsuchi (Heaven and Earth) 天地
baishin (vassal's vassal) 陪臣
bōnen-kai ("forget the year party") 忘年会
bugyō (magistrate, commissioner) 奉行
Canon, Inc. キャノン [株]
chūhai チューハイ or 酎ハイ
circle ("sākuru") サークル
dangō (collusive bidding, bid rigging) 談合
dōchū bugyō (commissioner of highways) 道中奉行
Edo machi bugyō (Edo city commissioner or magistrate) 江戸町奉行
FamilyMart Co. Ltd. ファミリーマート
Fukūkenjaku Kannon Bosatsu 不空羂索観音菩薩
Gazu hyakkiyagyō (Illustrated night procession of 100 demons) 画図百鬼夜行
gei bā (gay bar) ゲイバー
gokenin (vassals, housemen) 御家人
hatsuyume (first dream of the year) 初夢
imori no kuroyaki (charred newt) 井守の黒焼
inarizushi いなりずし or 稲荷鮨
jikisan (direct vassal) 直参
jisha bugyō (commissioner of temples and shrines) 寺社奉行
jōdai (keeper of a castle) 城代
kaminari-okoshi (thunder brittle) 雷おこし
kanjō bugyō (commissioner of finance) 勘定奉行
kanzashi (hair ornament) 簪
karō (house elder) 家老
Katsushika-ku 葛飾区
Keian Jiken 慶安事件
kiritanpo きりたんぽ or 切りたんぽ
kitsune soba 狐そば or 狐蕎麦
kitsune udon 狐うどん or 狐饂飩
kobushin 小普請
Kobushin-gumi 小普請組
kogai (hairpin) 笄
kogai (sword "pin-blade") 笄
Kohaku Uta Gassen (Red and White Song Contest) 紅白歌合戦
konbini (convenience store) コンビニ
konbucha (konbu tea aka seaweed tea) 昆布茶
koshimaki (hip wrapping) 腰巻
kuroyaki (charred plants & animals) 黒焼
kuruwa kotoba 廓言葉
Lipovitan リポビタン
machi bugyō (city commissioner or magistrate) 町奉行
machi-bugyōsho (town magistrate office) 町奉行所
machi-doshiyori (town elder, alderman) 町年寄
Maria Kannon マリア観音
Marubashi Chūya 丸橋忠弥
metsuke (inspector, censor) 目付
meuchi 目打ち
minisuka porisu (miniskirt police) ミニスカポリス
mirin 味醂
mitarashi dango 御手洗団子
mochi-tsuki (mochi pounding) 餅搗
Moyai-zo (moyai statue) モヤイ像
Nagasaki bugyō (Nagasaki Commissioner) 長崎奉行
Nippon bankoku hakuran-kai (Japan World Exposition aka Expo '70) 日本万国博覧会
nyūjōken (platform ticket) 入場券
ōmetsuke (inspectors general) 大目付
Ōta-ku 大田区
rōjū (elder) 老中
rusui (caretaker, keeper) 留守居
sakimori (border guard) 防人
sazae (turbo or top-shell) 栄螺 or 蓑座絵
sazae no tsuboyaki (sazae cooked in the shell) さざえの壷焼き
Seimei jinja (Seimei shrine) 晴明神社
Senju Kannon (Thousand-Armed Kannon) 千手観音菩薩
Seven-Eleven Japan Co. Ltd. セブン-イレブン・ジャパン
Shinmachi (pleasure quarter Ōsaka) 新町
shugo (military governors) 守護
sukeruton baibu (skeleton vibe, clear vibrator) スケルトンバイブ
tachiyomi 立ち読み
tameshigiri (sword test cut) 試し斬り, 試し切り, 試斬, 試切
Tōfu Kozō 豆腐小僧
tokoroten (gelidium jelly) ところ天 or 心太
tokoroten-tsuki (extruder for tokoroten) 心太突き
toshiyori (elders, community leaders) 年寄
tsuchigumo (earth spider) 土蜘蛛
tsumami kanzashi (flowery hair ornament) つまみ簪
unagisaki (eel knife) 鰻サキ
wakadoshiyori (junior councilors, young elders) 若年寄
waribiki tiketto (discount ticket) 割引チケット
Yasaka Jinja (Yasaka Shrine) 八坂神社
yoriki (assistant magistrate) 与力
yuba (soybean curd skin) 湯葉
Yui Shōsetsu 由井正雪
yukimi (snow viewing) 雪見
October - December 2009
14 new entries added:
Boys Love ボーイズ ラブ
Kannon 観音
Kasshi-yawa ("Tales Begun on the Night of the Rat") 甲子夜話
Kasuga no Tsubone 春日局
kyō-seme 強攻め
Ōoku (Great Interior) 大奥
sasoi (inviting posture or stratagem) 誘
seme せめ, 攻め
Shōkannon Bosatsu 聖観音菩薩
shōnen ai (boy's love) 少年愛
soba-giri bōchō 蕎麦切包丁
Taiga dorama (Taiga Drama) 大河ドラマ uchikake (woman's over garment) 打掛
uke (receiver, blocking, bottom) 受け
July - September 2009
35 new entries added:
Amida 阿弥陀
bentō-ya (bentō shop) 弁当屋
Fujin (wind kami) 風神
Fūma [a ninja clan] 風魔
Fūma Kotarō 風魔小太郎
hashioki (chopstick rest) 箸置き
hōkan (male geisha) 幇間
Hōsō no kami (smallpox kami) 疱瘡神
hyakumonogatari (100 stories) 百物語
itadakimasu いただきます
Jōdo-Shinshū 浄土真宗
Jōdoshū (Jōdo sect) 浄土宗
kaiseki ryōri 懐石料理
katsuobushibako (box for shaving bonito) 鰹節箱
kōden (incense money) 香奠
kō-haku-no-manmaku (red and white curtain) 紅白の幔幕
Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan (National Diet Library) 国立国会図書館
Miroku (Maitreya) 弥勒
Monju (Manjusri) 文殊
Myōhōrengekyō (Lotus Sūtra) 妙法蓮華経
naikaku (Japanese Cabinet) 内閣
Namu Myōhōrengekyō 南無妙法蓮華経
pan-pan パンパン
Rinzaishū (Rinzai sect) 臨済宗
ryōtei (traditional restaurants) 料亭
sesshōseki 殺生石
Shikoku-henro (Shikoku pilgrimage) 四国遍路
shushō (Prime Minister) 首相
Sōtōshū (Sōtō sect) 曹洞宗
tatari (curse or spiritual retribution) 祟り
tsukimi (moon viewing) 月見
tsukimi (culinary term) 月見
tsukimi-dango 月見団子
uchiwa-daiko (prayer drum) 団扇太鼓
umami (flavor) 旨味
April - June
39 new entries added:
bōkū-zukin (anti-air raid hood) 防空頭巾
botan-nabe (boar meat hotpot) 牡丹鍋 or ぼたん鍋
chara moe キャラ萌え
fumiishi (stone step) 踏み石
gaki (hungry ghost) 餓鬼
goemonburo (large iron pot or tub) 五右衛門風呂
Gojira (Godzilla) ゴジラ
hanshō (fire alarm bell) 半鐘
hibashi (metal hashi) 火箸
hinomi (fire lookout towers) 火見 or ひのみ
itamae (Japanese chef) 板前
Jōkanji 浄閑寺
kabu (turnip) 蕪
kaya (mosquito netting) 蚊帳
Kongoyasya 金剛や者
kouta (little song) 小唄 or 小歌
kyōfu manga (terror manga) 恐怖漫画
manga kissa (manga cafe) 漫画喫茶 or マンガ喫茶
manga zasshi (manga magazines) 漫画雑誌
marebito 客人
meido or mēdo (maid) メイド or メード
metsubushi (sight remover) 目潰し
nimono (simmered food) 煮物
ninsō (physiognomy) 人相
Rikidozan 力道山
satoimo (taro) 里芋
Shinshōji 新勝寺
shiokara 塩辛
shochū-mimai-jō (summertime greeting card) 暑中見舞状
shokkaku (antenna) 触角
suiri manga (detection manga) 推理漫画
tairyō-bata (large haul flag) 大漁旗
tensui-oke (rainwater buckets) 天水桶
tōji (sake master brewer) 杜氏
Tokoyo no Kuni (Eternal Land) 常世の国
Tora no Ana とらのあな
tōrō nagashi (lantern floating) 灯籠流し
yamakujira (mountain whale) 山鯨 or やまくじら
yubikiri (pinky promise) 指切り
January - March 2009
39 new entries added:
Ashiarai Yashiki (Foot-Washing Mansion) 足洗邸
danchi (housing complex) 団地
danchizuma (housing complex wife) 団地妻
dōsojin 道祖神
fasshon massaji (fashion massage) ファッションマッサージ
Heibon Panchi (Heibon Punch) 平凡パンチ
higozuiki (Higo dried taro stems) ひごずいき or 肥後ずいき or 肥後芋茎 or 白芋茎
hitogata (human shaped dolls) 人形
ierō kyabu (yellow cab) イエローキャブ
iroha uta (iroha poem) 伊呂波歌
kagami-mochi (New Year rice cake ornament) 鏡餅
kampō (Chinese Medicine) 漢方
katashiro (shape substitution) 形代
kintama (golden balls) 金玉
kitsunede (fox hands) 狐手
koseki (household register) 戸籍
kusuri (drugs) 薬
Marishiten (Buddhist deity) 摩利支天
meigen (resounding bowstrings) 鳴弦
mokumokuren 目目連
Nakamura-za (Nakamura Theater) 中村座
nenbutsu odori (dancing nembutsu) 念仏踊
oiteke-bori (leave it behind) 置行堀
Ommyō-gogyō-setsu 陰陽五行説
Ommyō-no kami 陰陽頭
paizuri (tit job) パイズリ
pinku (pink) ピンク
reki-hakase (high master of calendar-making) 暦博士
Ryōbu Shintō (Dual Shintō) 両部神道
Sado 佐渡
Sanshu no jingi (3 sacred treasures, mirror sword jewel) 三種の神器
shikigami (spirit servant) 式神
shūmon aratame (religious inquisition) 宗門改
tanima no shirayuri (white lily of the valley) 谷間の白百合
tankōbon (a separate book volume) 単行本
tsuchinoko ツチノコ or 槌の子
wakame zake (seaweed sake) わかめ酒
yagen やげん or 薬研
yorishiro 依代
January - December 2008
157 new entries added:
aji (saurel, horse mackerel)
akai-kami-aoi-kami (red paper blue paper) 赤紙青紙
akamanto (red mantle) 赤マント
amakudari (descent from heaven) 天下り
anman (sweet filled bun)
azuki arai (azuki bean washer)
bodikon (body con) ボヂイコン
bōzu (Buddhist priest or monk) 坊主 or 房主
bunkasai (cultural festival)
bura-bura 不落々々
champurū チャンプルー
chinpira (punk, thug) ちんぴら or チンピラ
Comic June コミックJUNE (コミックジュネ)
darani (dhāranī) 陀羅尼
decotora (decorated truck) デコトラ
dōshin (lower-grade samurai rank) 同心
enchō (extended service) 延長
fujoshi (rotten woman)
Fukusuke (man of good fortune) 福助
fukuwarai (face game) 福笑い
funa manjū 船饅頭
furikake (rice topping) 振り掛け or ふりかけ
futakuchi-onna (two mouthed woman) 二口女
futanari (hermaphrodite) 二成 or 二形 or ふたなり
gōkon (mixed drinking session) 合コン
goze (blind female singers) 瞽女
haraigushi (purification wand) 祓串
hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors) 被爆者
Hitotsume Kozō (one eyed boy) 一つ目小僧
hokora (small wayside shrine) 祠
honban (real performance, real thing) 本番
honden (main shrine) 本殿
hōō (phoenix) 鳳凰
hyakki yagyō (night procession of 100 demons) 百鬼夜行
ikigami (living human deity) 生き神
imikotoba (taboo words and expressions) 忌詞
Iriomote yamaneko (Iriomote wildcat) 西表山猫
Iriomotejima 西表島
ishi-age (Stone or pebble offerings) 石上げ
Itabashi-ku 板橋区
Izanagi no Mikoto to Izanami no Mikoto (Izanagi no Mikoto and Izanami no Mikoto) いざなぎの命といざなみの命
jōmawari 定廻り
Juliana's Tokyo ジュリアナ東京
Kabutochō 兜町
kagema (a type of male prostitute) 陰間
kagemajaya (kagema tea house) 陰間茶屋
kaginawa (hook rope) 鈎縄
kakushibuki (hidden weapon) 隠し武器
kamaitachi (weasel slash)
kane no kireme ga en no kireme (the end of the money is the end of the relationship) 金の切れ目が縁の切れ目
kanmikissa 甘味喫茶
Kara-kasa (umbrella yōkai) 唐傘
karakuri jitte カラクリ實手
kayari (smoke to repel insects) 蚊遣り
kegare (ritual pollution) 穢れ
kekkai (spiritual barrier) 結界
keppan (blood seal) 血判
kisha kurabu (press clubs)
Kita-ku 北区
kitsune no yomeiri (fox giving the bride, fox wedding procession) 狐の嫁入り
kitsune nyōbō (fox wife) 狐女房
kitsunebi (fox-fire) 狐火
kitsune-tsuki (fox possession) 狐憑き
Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) 古事記
Kokumin Eiyo Shō (People's Honor Award)
kōnai hassha (ejaculation in mouth) 口内発射
Konaki Jiji (old man who cries like a baby) 児啼爺
kōnin todoke (Notice of Marriage)
kōrēgūsu (Korean pepper) 高麗胡椒 or コーレーグース
kotodama (spirit in words) 言霊
kuchi-sake-onna (slit-mouthed woman)
Kūkai (Kōbō-Daishi) 空海
Kuzunoha 葛の葉
mahō shōjo (magical girl) 魔法少女
Meguro-ku 目黒区
miitsu みいつ or 威霊
miko-mai (miko dance) 巫女舞
monoimi 物忌
mukaebi (welcoming fire) 迎え火
namahage 生剥
nanakusa (seven herbs) 七草
neko (queer slang) ネコ or ねこ
Nihon Shoki (Chronicle of Japan) 日本書紀
nikuman (pork filled bun)
Nopperabō (faceless yōkai) のっぺら坊 or のっぺらぼう
nue 鵼
nureonna (snake woman)
nurikabe (wall bakemono)
ojōsan (young lady) お嬢さん
okappiki 岡引
Okinawa soba 沖縄そば
okowa 御強
Omote-sandō 表参道
onēsama (big sister) お姉様 or お姉さま
Ōsawa Arimasa 大沢在昌
Osorezan 恐山
oyabun - kobun (parent role - child role) 親分 - 子分
oyaji-gari (old man hunting) 親父狩り or おやじ狩り
Purinto kurabu (Print Club) プリント倶楽部
raito noberu (light novel) ライトノベル
redikomi (ladies' comics) レディコミ
renju (five-in-a-row) 連珠
rikon todoke (Notification of a Divorce)
sakaki 榊
sakaya (sake brewer and dealer) 酒屋
sasumata (spear fork) 刺股
sekisho (barrier station) 関所
sekisho tegata (travel pass) 関所手形
Setagaya-ku 世田谷区
shakujō (monk's staff) 錫杖
shikomibuki (deceptive weapon) 仕込武器
shikomi shakujō (deceptive monk's staff) 仕込錫杖
shikon (four spirits) 四魂
shimei, (name a particular partner) 指名
Shingonshū (Shingon sect of Buddhism) 眞言宗 or 真言宗
Shōji Jin'emon
Shōnan 湘南
shudō (the way of loving boys) 衆道
sodegarami (sleeve entangler) 袖搦
sonae-mono (offering) 供物
sōsu (vegetable sauce) ソース
Sugawara Bunta 菅原文太
Suna-kake-baba (sand throwing old woman)
Tenshin Shōden Katori Shintō-ryū
tachi (top/butch) タチ or たち
takarabune (treasure ship) 宝船
Tamagawa 多摩川
tembimbō (carrying pole) 天秤棒
tōji (winter solstice) 冬至
Tōkaidō Yotsuya Kaidan (Ghost Story of Tōkaidō Yotsuya)
Tokugawa Ienari 徳川家斉
tokusatsu (special effects) 特撮
tonkori (Ainu stringed instrument) トンコリ
Toshima-ku 豊島区
tsukubo (push pole) 突棒
tsukumogami (spirit of a made object)
tsutsumotase 美人局
UFO Catcher (crane game) UFOキャッチャー
umibōzu 海坊主
yama no kami (god of the mountain) 山の神
Yao-yorozu-no-kami (eight million gods) 八百万神
Yomi (Land of Gloom) 黄泉
Yomiuri Shimbun
yuri (lesbian [slang]) 百合
yuri (lily) 百合
zainichi kankokujin to chōsenjin (Koreans in Japan) 在日韓国人と朝鮮人
Plus an update to the mononoke entry.
January - December 2007
155 new entries added:
Akō Jiken (Akō incident)
amanattō (sweetened beans)
Aoto-zōshi hana no nishiki
bandai (elevated seat)
Bandai Bijuaru Kabushiki Gaisha (Bandai Visual Co. Ltd.)
botoru kiipu (bottle Keep)
bottakuriten (rip off club)
chanbara (sword fight films)
chawan mushi
chikan densha (pervert train)
chōnin (townsmen)
Chūbu Chihō
Chūgoku Chihō
Cream Lemon
dohyō (sumō ring)
ekisha (fortune tellers)
eroguro nansensu (erotic-grotesque nonsense)
fasshon herusu (fashion health)
ferachio (fellatio)
fūzoku (sex industry)
fūzokujo (sex industry worker)
ganguro (black face)
Genroku jidai
Gōruden Gai (Golden Gai)
gyaru (gal)
hakusai (Chinese cabbage)
Hanazono Jinja (in Shinjuku)
harusame (spring rain noodles)
hitaikakushi (triangle on forehead)
hosutesu ryo (hostess fees)
Harada Sanosuke
jiageya (land shark)
jidaigeki (period films)
Kanadehon Chūshingura (Treasury of Loyal Retainers)
kabayaki (charcoal broiled fish)
kaiten sushi (revolving sushi bar)
kakurenbo (hide and seek)
kaminazuki (month without gods)
kamuro (young female pages or attendants)
Kanda Jinja
kara-age (deep frying)
karesansui (sand garden)
kashiya (traditional confectionary)
katabira (unlined kimono)
kimuchi (kim chi)
kinako (soybean flour)
kitamakura (pillow to the North)
Kiyokawa Hachirō
Kōda Rohan
kuromame (black soybeans)
kyōiku mama (education mama)
Kyōto Tawaa (Kyōto Tower)
machiai shitsu (waiting room)
mamushi-zake (snake in drink)
manji (swastika)
matchi uri no shōjo (match selling girls)
Matsudaira Hirotada
matto sābisu (mat service)
mobo (modern boy)
moga (modern girl)
monaka (stuffed wafer cake)
niboshi (small dried fish)
Ninomiya Sontoku
nozawana (turnip greens)
nūdo gekijo (strip club)
Ōsaka no Jin (Battle of Ōsaka Castle)
oshibori (small damp towel)
oshiya (push man)
ōtoro (very fatty tuna meat)
otoshidama (new year gift)
oshibori supesharu (oshibori special)
Pipo-kun (police mascot)
pantī dorobō (panty thief)
redii (lady bikers)
rokurokubi (long necked woman)
Sukeban Deka
Sanada Masayuki
susuki-mimizuku (owl charm)
Sanada Nobuyuki
saodake (laundry pole)
Sen Hime (Princess Sen)
shōnen (boy)
sokushaku (immediate fellatio)
Sanada Yukimura
tachigui (standing eating)
tamago dōfu (egg tōfu)
tasuki (cord to tie sleeves)
tengai (basket-like hat)
tesō (palmistry)
Tōei Uzumasa Eigamura (Toei Uzumasa cinema village)
Tōhoku Chihō
tokkōfuku (kamikaze party uniform)
Tokugawa Hidetada
Tokugawa Iemochi
Tokugawa Ienobu
Tokugawa Ieshige
Tokugawa Ietsuna
Tokugawa Tsunayoshi
Tokugawa Nobuyasu
Tōkyō Kokusai Tenjijō (Tokyo International Exhibition Center aka Tokyo Big Sight)
tsuribori (fishing ponds)
ukiyo-e (Pictures of the Floating World)
ura fūzoku (illegal sex industry)
urisen bā (auction bar)
wagashi (traditional confections)
yakimono (grilled foods)
yakiniku (grilled meat)
Yamada Asaemon
Yamanami Keisuke
Yamamoto Kansuke
Yamazaki Susumu
Yazawa Eikichi
Yokohama Ginbae
Yomiuri Land
January - December 2006
162 new entries added:
Abe no Seimei
Akita Ken
Aomori Ken
Ashiya Dōman
bimbōgami (god of poverty)
buruseara shopu (bloomer-sailor shop)
chikan (molester)
dachi waifu (Dutch wife)
Edo Yagyū
enjo kōsai (compensated dating)
eromanga (erotic manga)
Fujiwara no Koretada
Fujiwara no Tokihira
Fujiwarashi (Fujiwara family)
fumie (picture to step on)
furisode (long sleeved kimono)
gekiga (dramatic pictures)
Genrōin (Chamber of Elders or Senate)
giri-choko (obligatory chocolate)
giri to ninjō (obligations and feelings) Goichigo Jiken (May 15th Incident)
Gōruden Uīku (Golden Week)
goshiki (five colors)
gūji (chief priest)
Harubin (Harbin)
Hon'imbō (Grand Master of Go)
Hoppō Ryōdo modai (Northern Territories Issue)
hosuto kurabu (host club)
Hyottoko (mask of funny faced man)
ianfu (comfort women)
Ichimura Tetsunosuke
Ijūinshi (Ijūin family)
Ikebukuro Eki (Ikebukuro station)
Ikebukuro Nishiguchi Kōen (Ikebukuro West Gate Park)
Ikeda Kikunae
iki (aesthetic ideal)
ikizukuri (live sashimi)
Ikkoku Ichijō Rei (Law of One Castle per Province)
imēji kurabu (image club)
Inoue Kaoru
Ishiyama Honganji
Itō Hirobumi
juku (private tutoring schools)
kagome kagome
kagura suzu (suzu wand)
kakekomidera (refuge temple)
kakute (horned hand)
Kakuzenbo Hoin In'ei
Kakuzenbo Inshun
kami fūsen (paper ball)
kamigakari (possession by a kami)
Kamiizumi Nobutsuna
kappuru kissa (couples cafe)
kashihonya (book rental shops)
kenrikin (key money)
kimodameshi (soul examination, test of nerve)
kirisute gomen (permission to kill)
kisu (fish)
Kōkyo (Imperial Palace in Tokyo)
konpei (a type of chain weapon)
Kunikida Doppo
kuroame (hard black sugar candy)
kyaba kura (cabaret club)
makisu (rolling mat)
mangaka (manga artist)
medaka (rice fish)
Meguro Gajoen
Meido kafe (maid cafe)
mizushōbai (water trade)
Mutsu no Kuni
nashi (Japanese pear)
Nichirenshū (Nichiren sect)
Nihon Kiin
no-pan (no panty)
nozokibeya (peeping room)
ohaguro (blackening teeth)
ohitsu (rice tub)
Okada Izō
Ōkura Kihachirō
Ommyōryō (Bureau of Yin and Yang)
onnagata (kabuki female impersonator)
Ōsakajō (Ōsaka Castle)
Owari Yagyū
pinku saron (pink salon)
Rokumeikan (Deer Cry Pavilion)
Ryūkyū Shotō (Ryūkyū Islands)
sanbō (offering stand)
San-nen B-gumi Kinpachi Sensei
seinen (young man)
Serizawa Kamo
Shibusawa Eiichi
Shikomi shamisen (shamisen with a blade in it)
Shimazaki Tōson
Shimazushi (Shimazu family)
shinigami (kami of death)
shinsen (food offerings to kami)
shiso (beefsteak plant)
shō (mouth organ)
shoshinsha-māku (beginners mark)
sukebe (lecherousness)
sukebe isu (pervert chair)
tabako bon (tobacco stand or tray)
Tendaishū (Tendai sect)
terebi dorama
terekura (telephone club)
Titsingh, Izaak
Toyotomi Hideyori
Yagyū Hyōgonosuke Toshiyoshi
Yagyū Munenori
Yagyū Sekishūsai Muneyoshi
Yagyūshi (Yagyū family)
Yanagita Kunio
yari (spear)
yobai (night creeping)
yobi-komi (barker)
Zenigata Heiji
October - December 2005
39 new entries added:
Akechi Mitsuhide
bideo gēmu (video games)
chisuji no ito (spider web)
Dennō Gakuen
Genji Monogatari (The Tale of Genji)
hasu (lotus)
Hattori Hanzō
hito-kiri (person cutting)
Hototogisu (magazine)
Itō Kashitaro
kapuseru hoteru (capsule hotel)
Konjaku monogatari
kusunoki (camphor tree)
Masaoka Shiki
Mōri Motonari
Mori Arinori
naruko (bird rattles)
Saitō Hajime
suiren (water lily)
Takahama Kyoshi
Takechi Zuizan
tanshin funin (absent father)
zaru soba

August 14, 2005.

The Anime Companion 2 has hit store shelves so I have replaced the old version of the supplement with a major new update and stripped the older addition lists from this page.

All of the entry text has been removed, the entry names updated to include the kanji and kana seen in the book, and the CHARSET changed from x-sjis to utf-8 to enable display of more kanji.

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Created: November 8, 1998