Tokyo Stroll Supplement: Shichifukujin Meguri / Seven Lucky Gods Pilgrimages
This page is for various Shichifukujin Meguri / Seven Lucky Gods Pilgrimages in the greater Tokyo area.For information on Tokyo Stroll and this web supplement see Tokyo Stroll Supplement home page
For users of the Organic Maps, Maps.Me and Google Maps apps the locations in the lists below have bookmarks you can import into those apps to make navigation easier. The Japanese name for the famous Seven Lucky Gods is Shichifukujin. They are usually Daikoku, Bishamon, Ebisu, Jurōjin, Fukurokuju, Benten (Benzaiten), and Hotei. Some lists substitute Kisshōten for Jurōjin or Fukurokuju. Usually this pilgrimage, meguri, is done in the first few days of the year, some shrines and temple only participate then, some do so year round. If the pilgrim wishes they can for a fee collect a stamped seal, small statue or ema at each shrine or temple. What is provided varies with different pilgrimages. Some pilgrimages have seven places to go to. On some pilgrimages one site may cover for two lucky gods and have six locations one the route. Sometimes you will find pilgrimages with eight or nine locations as it is possible for a lucky god to have more than one location on the route. The pilgrimage, usually held the first week of January, can be done with a special pilgrimage relic. They are: There is no specific sequence of shrines or you are required to follow so the route up to you. All of the sites on the pages listed below are marked in green or red in the Tokyo Stroll maps.me bookmarks. This page is just a quick list of various pilgrimages with more to be added soon. Itabashi Shichifukujin Meguri / Itabashi Seven Lucky Gods Pilgrimage (板橋七福神 めぐり) Ningyōchō Shichifukujin Meguri / Ningyōchō Seven Lucky Gods Pilgrimage route (人形町 七福神 めぐり) Ōme Seven Lucky Gods Pilgrimage / Ōme Shichifukujin Meguri (青梅市 七福神 めぐり) Zōshigaya Seven Lucky Gods Pilgrimage / Zōshigaya Shichifukujin Meguri (雑司が谷七福神 めぐり) Back to the Tokyo Stroll Supplement home page - Privacy Notice - Back to Gilles' home page Created May 30, 2024 | Content last updated August 14, 2024 |