Tokyo Stroll cover
Fukagawa Detail 3
Tokyo Stroll cover
Asakusa Detail 1
Tokyo Stroll cover
Asakusa Detail 2 Tokyo Stroll cover
Fukagawa Detail 3
Tokyo Stroll cover
Asakusa Detail 1
Tokyo Stroll cover
Asakusa Detail 2

Tokyo Stroll Supplement: Ōme Shichifukujin Meguri / Ōme Seven Lucky Gods Pilgrimage

A map of Ōme showing many of the temples on this page

For information on Tokyo Stroll and this web supplement see Tokyo Stroll Supplement home page

For users of the Organic Maps, Maps.Me and Google Maps apps the items below have bookmarks you can import into those apps to make navigation easier.
Instructions and links are on the Viewing Locations in Organic Maps, Maps.Me, Google Maps, or Google Earth page.

Ōme Shichifukujin Meguri / Ōme Seven Lucky Gods Pilgrimage route (青梅市 七福神 めぐり)

The specific the route is up to you, there is no specific sequence you have to follow. All of the sites are marked in green, for the ones in Tokyo Stroll, or red, for the ones in this web supplement to the book, in the Tokyo Stroll bookmarks. This page is just a quick list of the pilgrimage locations. For this reason I may also include links in the entries below to more information on the locations.

Enmeiji (延命寺)

This temple is on the Ōme Shichifukujin Meguri route for Daikokuten.
More on this temple in the: Enmeiji entry on the Ōme page.

Gyokusenji (玉泉寺)

This temple is on the Ōme Shichifukujin Meguri route for Benten.
More on this temple in the: Gyokusenji entry on the Ōme page.

Jizōin (地蔵院)

This temple is on the Ōme Shichifukujin Meguri route for Hotei.
More on this temple in the: Jizōin entry on the Ōme page.

Meibakuin (明白院)

This temple is on the Ōme Shichifukujin Meguri route for Fukurokuju.
More on this temple in the: Meibakuin entry on the Ōme page.

Monshūin (聞修院)

This temple is on the Ōme Shichifukujin Meguri route for Jurōjin.
More on this temple in the: Monshūin entry on the Ōme page.

Seihōin (清宝院)

This temple is on the Ōme Shichifukujin Meguri route for Ebisu.
More on this temple in the: Seihōin entry on the Ōme page.

Sōkenji (宗建寺)

This temple is on the Ōme Shichifukujin Meguri route for Bishamonten.
More on this temple in the: Sōkenji entry on the Ōme page.

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Created August 14, 2024 | Content last updated August 14, 2024